a car crashes into a tree, a centenarian evacuated in absolute emergency

The worst was narrowly avoided. This Saturday January 11, a car ended its race against a plane tree in Gaillac-Toulza, a town located in the Haute-Garonne department.

A 100-year-old woman in absolute emergency

“It is around 6 p.m. that the firefighters were alerted”, detailed the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service of Haute-Garonne (SDIS 31) in its report. Once at the scene of the accident, departmental road 25 (RD 25) , the firefighters will notice a single vehicle having left the road with, on board, two female victims.

Presenting slight injuriesa septuagenarian (70 ans) was transported by emergency services to a hospital center. The second victim, 100 years oldwas trapped in the vehicle before being extracted by firefighters. Seriously injuredit was therefore conducted, in absolute emergencyto a hospital center.

In total, 4 emergency vehicles et 10 firefighters were mobilized for this intervention. The police were also present on the scene.

>> READ ALSO: Haute-Garonne: swept away by the current in Ariège, a woman loses her life



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