There were 2,479 certified artisans active in Belgium as of December 31, 2024, the FPS Economy told the Belga agency. In detail, it is 37.9% women, 29.7% men and 32.4% legal entities. This represents 408 more labels awarded than in 2023.
The most represented sectors as of December 31, 2024 are food products (27.6%), furniture and interior decoration (14.3%), textiles, leather and fashion (13.2 %), wood (12.3%), ceramics (9.1%) and luxury products (8.7%). “While knowing that the same craftsman can find himself in several distinct sectors”, underlines the press service of the FPS Economy.
Legal recognition from the Artisans Commission of the FPS Economy has recognized, since 2016, the authentic character and manual aspect of an activity, as well as the artisanal know-how of a person or company.
To obtain it, this person or company must be registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, as a natural person, legal person or organization without legal personality, and have fewer than 20 workers. It must also provide services or produce, transform, repair or even restore goods.
Recognition of craftsmanship lasts for six years, renewable. Thanks to it, the craftsman has an official logo, his activities are listed in a directory of the FPS Economy and he can participate in Artisan Day.