What are the financeability rules for students enrolled in 2024-2025 in French-speaking Belgium?

What are the financeability rules for students enrolled in 2024-2025 in French-speaking Belgium?
What are the financeability rules for students enrolled in 2024-2025 in French-speaking Belgium?

After two entries in the same branch (excluding reorientation), you must earn all 60 bac1 credits. After 4 inscriptionsyou must earn 120 credits (all bac1 and bac2 courses). After 5 inscriptionsit is necessary to promote the 180 credits of the baccalaureate (bac1, bac2 and bac3).

But don’t be discouraged if after two years you’re missing a few first-year credits. UNamur presents cases where the faculty jury can decide to let the student continue their studies. For example, if, after these two registrations, he acquired at least 60 credits including 50 or more in the first block of the baccalaureate, therefore having already accumulated some credits from the 2nd block, in addition to those from bac1. Or, if after two registrations, a young person who had earned less than 30 credits from the first block of the baccalaureate during his first registration earned at least 50 credits from the first block of the bachelor’s degree at the end of the two academic years.

Rebelotte for the master’s degree: three years in maximum 5 attempts

It works the same way for the master. To put it differently: we validate the master 1 (60 credits) in a maximum of 2 years. Then, maximum 4 years to have the 120 credits for masters 1 and 2, and maximum 5 years to have the three masters.

Since the 2024-2025 academic year, students who have remaining bachelor’s credits are no longer entitled to enroll in a Master’s program: they will remain enrolled in a bachelor’s program and their financeability will no longer be calculated, as before, on the basis of of registration for a master’s degree.

And finally, in the case of a complementary master’s degree, called by young people “master 60”, the student must have successfully completed all of their credits after 2 registrations in a specialized master’s degree.

We can become financeable again

It should also be noted that a student’s non-fundability is reset to zero after five years. He can therefore freely re-enroll in the program of his choice five years after being unfundable.

Martin, an unfundable sociology student, decided to become a glass blower.



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