He cites: the limitation of unemployment benefits over time; the start of the working night (which involves additional pay) at midnight rather than 8 p.m.; the capping of employer contributions; or even the “no gold-plating”which consists of not outbidding European regulations when transposing them into Belgian law, particularly in environmental matters.
Arizona measures
A priori, this is rather good for the FEB since the putative Arizona coalition (made up of the N-VA, the MR, the Engagés, the CD&V and Vooruit), still under negotiation, is working on measures of this order, such as the night which begins at midnight or the limitation of unemployment over time. “Yes, I hear very good ideas, particularly regarding the labor marketcomments Mr. Timmermans. The principles are good. But ‘the devil is in the details’ (‘the devil is in the details’, Editor’s note). If the basic principle is followed by a long list of conditions and exceptions, I am less enthusiastic.”
From the indiscretions heard during the negotiations, we know for example that Vooruit is seeking to attenuate the measure limiting unemployment over time via a series of exceptions. Ditto for the measure expanding the number of voluntary overtime hours to 360 per year. While the CD&V and Les Engagés would have proposed the creation of new thematic leave (like parental leave), possibly implying an increase in the budget devoted to this leave.
gullIt’s time to have a government with a good deal that sends a signal of confidence to businesses
The FEB is worried about the future of Belgian companies. The recession that has been affecting industry for about a year and a half is gradually affecting the commercial and construction sectors. According to the Federation’s projections, the country’s economic growth (the growth of its GDP) should only be 0.6% in 2025, compared to 1% in 2024 and 1.3% the year before.
The same euro spent four times
The problem, continues Mr. Timmermans to illustrate the difficulties of companies, “it’s because we are asked to spend the same euro three times…” A first time, he says, for labor costs, which are higher in Belgium than in neighboring countries – on average, 750 euros per month more per worker, according to the FEB. A second time for energy costs, significantly higher in Europe than in the United States. A third time for administrative charges. “And we are even asked to spend a fourth time this same euro to invest, which is normal, in the environmental or digital transition.”
Good news for 875,000 workers from January 1: their salaries will increase
For the FEB, the next government will therefore have to, firstly, restore the competitiveness of businesses by controlling their wage costs and reducing their energy costs and administrative burdens. Second, consolidate public finances (the 2024 budget deficit is estimated at 4.6% of GDP). And thirdly, he will have to “reform, reform, reform” to, in particular, increase the employment rate (currently around 72-73%). “We must act nowconcludes Pieter Timmermans. It’s time to have a government with a good deal that sends a signal of confidence to businesses.”
David Clarinval (MR): “We must put in place an energy standard in order to protect the most energy-intensive companies”