Heritage. Number of projects supported, excellent figures in terms of patronage, the Heritage Foundation is humming in the Haut-Marne region. If the “elders” pass the torch, the flame does not go out. Thus, the Chaumont basin welcomes its new local referent, determined to pass on in turn.
Jean-Pierre Nicole, after a little more than five years in the service of Chaumont's built heritage, hands over, not without emotion but with the feeling of duty accomplished: “This journey within the Heritage Foundation is the culmination of 70 years of passion, training, learning, transmission”. The former artisan and elected official from Chaumont, also vice-president of the Building Federation, discovered the built heritage by accompanying his ancestors on construction sites. Having become a plumber-heating engineer himself, he restored many old buildings to respect, or very complex industrial heritage. These two best memories? “La Boisserie, at the request of Admiral de Gaulle, and the Basilica of Saint-Jean, where my family worked for four generations. But I am leaving my position in peace, I have a replacement who is “good enough”, he shares the same ideas as me. » The one who “makes the cut” is Aurélien Boillot, president of the Vieux-Chaumont association: “Heritage is a safe haven, we must automate the desire for transmission, pass on the torch intergenerationally and widen the furrow that our elders have dug. » Voted.
We were looking for the ore, you were already digging the mine
Jean-Pascal, architect of Bâtiments de France
The new generation in place serving the Haut-Marne heritage, and more particularly Chaumontais, is impressive. For three years, under the leadership of the City or the Heritage Foundation, things have been moving. Facing Valentine Roland (in charge of Mission Aube and Haute-Marne), Anthony Koenig, Julien Marasi, Aurélien Boillot, the Champagne-Ardenne regional delegate Pierre Possémé is full of praise: “The City has taken a real turn on the subject , the new generation is doing an extraordinary job. Heritage is an investment, not a burden. The economic return, I am thinking in particular of old Chaumont, can be enormous. » Same story for Jean-Pascal Lemeunier, architect of the buildings of France (ABF) of Haute-Marne: “We were looking for the ore, you were already digging the mine. A new era has opened for heritage, thanks to the Foundation and the young generation. We learned to take care of factories, workshops, farms, mills, chapels and other dovecotes, because there is a set of historical, sociological and economic qualities. At the time, it was luxury. Today, heritage is no longer an impregnable tower with people among them.” It is up to Madam Mayor to conclude that today, “Chaumont knows how to recognize its heritage, is aware of its riches, and abandons its complexes. There was abandonment for decades, it must be said. » If the economic future of communities can slow down investments, the important thing is to wake up, and Chaumont is clearly not ready to go back to bed.
Elise Sylvestre
“Heritage is an investment, not a burden”
Pierre Possémé, Champagne-Ardenne Regional Delegate, recognizes the excellent work provided by the delegates and volunteers in the region: We must hand over to the youngest, otherwise it would sclerose our affairs. The Foundation lives thanks to this commitment, this volunteering. Especially since the activities are expanding to natural spaces, parks and gardens, biodiversity. Remember that for one euro of donation, it is €21 of economic return to the local area. And the Region has worked hard, if I may say so, bringing together 6.7% of national donations (for 2% of the national economy!). Today, 50% of donations come from businesses, and 50% from individuals. Communities cannot support everything alone, we must perpetuate this method of mutual aid. Heritage, although exceptional, can be heavy to carry.