No sales for this company made in !

No sales for this company made in !
No sales for this company made in France!

January 8 not only marks the start of the sustainability rating on televisions, but also… winter sales. And like every year, a pioneer brand of 100% denim made in remember that she will not participate!

This is 1083, which offers different ranges of jeans bio made in France and available all year round from €99.

Thomas Huriezfounder of 1083, explains to ID : “Every year, we share this conviction: if sales have real meaning for selling off unsold seasonal items, they have no meaning when it comes to over-consuming non-seasonal items.”

He adds that these artificial sales on non-seasonal clothing are very expensive, both for the environment and for consumers.

“To reduce prices during the sales (2 months out of 12), we must in fact increase prices 10 months out of 12 to integrate the reduction in margin that we plan to make during the sales… what a good deal!”

Let's replace the small pleasures of 'having' with the great pleasure of 'being'. This is the original meaning of fashion, this is also certainly our future.

The sales also represent, according to Thomas Huriez, consumption peaks which generate pics de production very complicated and risky to manage in the workshop.

The brand recalls more generally that its strategy is based on the creation of timeless and non-seasonal products, designed to last beyond trends. The objective being to avoid overproduction and to guarantee the quality of its products.

“For you, for us, for 1083, for everyone, we therefore find it more logical and more sustainable to sell our clothes at the same fair price all year round, adds the entrepreneur. Let's replace the little pleasures of 'having' with the great pleasure 'of being'. This is the original meaning of fashion, this is also certainly our future.”

More consistency

So, how to consume better? Rather than the illusion of sales on non-seasonal clothing, there are plenty of solutions that really do good, according to Thomas Huriez.

He advises choosing jeans that you like and of quality, rather than accumulating short-lived jeans. On the budget side, he emphasizes that 1083 offers financing solutions in 3x free of charge to spread the expense over part of the life of the jeans. And that the company provides access to all its second choice jeans as well as end of series on its website.



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