The Moroccan Conjoncture Center (CMC) announces the publication of its latest monthly issue, Maroc Conjoncture n° 374, devoted to the theme “The Franco-Moroccan partnership: Achievements and prospects for improvement”.
Impacts of geopolitical tensions on supply chains
The transformations accelerated by the health crisis in global supply chains are today exacerbated by growing geopolitical tensions. These disruptions are pushing companies to rethink their strategies and governments to adopt appropriate policies to minimize their economic effects, particularly in terms of inflation and slowing growth. Morocco could take advantage of the trade policies of partner countries to strengthen its economic attractiveness.
Morocco-France Partnership: Strengthening a historic relationship
The partnership between Morocco and France, based on a long tradition of cooperation, is expected to evolve in a changing geostrategic context. This partnership must consolidate its achievements in various areas while exploring new opportunities, particularly in strategic sectors such as the green economy and new technologies, to respond to economic, social and environmental challenges.
Green industry and energy transition: A sustainable strategy
Morocco has been engaged for several years in an economic transformation aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By adopting an ambitious national strategy, the country aims to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and promote renewable energies, representing 52% of the energy mix by 2030. This positioning places Morocco as a leading regional player in terms of green growth.
Private investment: Reforms needed to unlock potential
Despite progress in improving the business climate, structural challenges such as bureaucracy, regional disparities and skills shortages are holding back private investment. Rigorous implementation of reforms, combined with strengthened dialogue between the public and private sectors, could transform these constraints into opportunities and strengthen Morocco’s economic competitiveness regionally and internationally.
Natural gas: A strategic lever for the energy transition
The development of natural gas constitutes a central pillar of Moroccan energy strategy. Emitting less CO₂ than traditional fossil fuels, it plays a key role in stabilizing the electricity network and reducing the carbon footprint. Projects like the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline reinforce the country’s ambition to become a regional energy hub while meeting growing needs for clean energy.
Growth in 2025: Towards a recovery of productive capacities
The CMC forecasts a resumption of economic growth in 2025, driven by the recovery of the primary sector after several years of drought and by increased demand on internal and external markets. This dynamic should allow Morocco to regain its pre-crisis production levels, thus strengthening the resilience of its economy.
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