Regarding the ammonia spray, Najimm said he had the irritant because it is necessary when using heroin. The two defendants admitted that they were staying in the country illegally.
The person concerned also had to answer for having committed several thefts in Récyparcs and at ArcelorMital in Seraing. Thefts committed between January and October 2024.
Ibrahim, 31, who participated in one of these thefts, was sentenced to a six-month suspended prison sentence for what exceeds the duration of preventive detention, as advocated by Me Marie-France Roumans, who assures the defense of the person concerned.
The two defendants, who are in an irregular situation on Belgian territory, admitted that they were stealing. “We sell the objects to gypsies to buy us food“, said one of the defendants.
“Are not things abandoned by their owner”
Najimm also had to answer for stealing a container from a lady to transport the stolen items. Me Alice Dallemagne who intervened for Me Nathan Mallants pleaded for a suspension of the sentence or a reprieve.
“Objects stolen from an abandoned factory are not things abandoned by their owner“, indicates the court in its judgment. “The same applies to things entrusted by individuals to Intradel, some of which are intended to be valued. The fact that the Récyparcs are closed clearly demonstrates Intradel’s desire to preserve these objects.“