Two new colleges for Hérault students in 2025

Two new colleges for Hérault students in 2025
Two new colleges for Hérault students in 2025

North of Béziers, the new Maraussan college will welcome students from the communes of Cornheilhan, Lignan-sur-Or, Maraussan, as well as those from the Mandela district and part of the Oiseaux de Béziers district. For the departmental council, the challenge is to rebalance the number of students in existing establishments in Béziers, in a context of increasing numbers.

In Juvignac, the new college will be located on the site of the Pénaranda stadium. The latter will be moved. The new establishment should notably welcome students from the western municipalities of the Metropolis.

“New generation” colleges

The cost of each of the two establishments is around 30 million euros. Last September, the vice-president of the departmental council of Hérault, Renaud Calvat (PS), spoke of colleges of “ new generation » (La Marseillaise , on 6/09/2024). The adaptation of buildings to global warming, the inclusion of people with disabilities, the safety of the educational community, the development of digital technology lead to thinking differently about the architecture of buildings.



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