Last December, Pedro Sánchez’s executive spent 2.5 million euros on the purchase of all-terrain vehicles with the aim of strengthening the capacities of Moroccan institutions in terms of immigration control.
Through the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP), an institution dedicated to international cooperation whose board of directors is chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs José Manuel Albares, the The executive of Pedro Sánchez spent 2.5 million euros (M €) for the purchase of vehicles with the aim of strengthening the capacities of Moroccan institutions in terms of immigration control “with a humanist approach”specifies the market notice revealed by the Iberian press.
This file concerns the notion of “mixed market for the supply, under acquisition regime, of different types and units of vehicles” to help the Ministry of the Interior as part of the project financed by European funds called “Support for integrated border management and migration in Morocco”. This is a supply “with technical guarantee and delivery to Morocco, and with maintenance training service”indicate the contractual documents consulted by OkDiario.
Two batches of materials granted last December
The financial disbursement from the Spanish Executive was carried out through two different lots. The first of these, awarded on December 9, 2024, concerns the purchase of 183 motorcycles for an amount of more than 660,000 euros. The second, which came into force a few days later, on December 18, envisages the acquisition of 33 boogies, at a cost of €1.9 million for the Spanish coffers.
The need for this contract, according to the government of Pedro Sánchez, consists of “mitigate vulnerabilities linked to irregular migration and combat irregular migration”. “The action aims to strengthen the capacities of Moroccan institutions to protect, monitor and control borders in accordance with the humanist approach of the National Immigration and Asylum Strategy (SNIA)”, says the memo accompanying the deal.
It is specified that “the place of delivery of the vehicles will be in Morocco, probably the port of Tanger Med, although another place may be taken care of upon reasoned request from the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior to the FIIAPP or the latter”. The maximum delivery time for all units of each batch is set at nine months.
One of the most important credit lines of the FIIAPP is that which concerns the financing of border security, perhaps the most complex aspect of the relationship between Spain and Morocco, analyzes OkDiario.
Since 2019, Sánchez has granted tens of millions to Rabat institutions to cover the expenses of the Royal Gendarmerie. For the acquisition of high-end SUVs. The aid is designated in the form of “deployments of border surveillance operations, as part of international police cooperation”.
This is in addition to all purchases of 4×4 vehicles, ambulances, trucks, semi-rigid boats, thermal cameras or night vision devices, which total a package that reaches €120 million granted by the government of Pedro Sánchez, sources from the Civil Guard told the Spanish media. Remember that not only is equipment worth millions of dollars offered to Morocco, operating expenses are incurred “as part of the fuel for their SUVs or their patrol boats”, underline the same sources.
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