When it opened, it was a first in France. There are now around fifty of this type. In Bois-d'Arcy (Yvelines), for five years now, the Family Protection Center has been able to hear the voices of victims of domestic violence. In 2024, this gendarmerie structure opened 410 files. This is 35% more than in 2023.
An annual report defended a few days ago by chief warrant officer Virginie Redureau, at the helm of the establishment, alongside Aurore Bergé. The Minister for Equality between Women and Men wishes to increase the number of units like this one, for a presence “in each department”. Currently, there are 53.
This system complements the judicial aspect, by facilitating the freedom of speech of the most vulnerable, and by guiding them psychologically as well as judicially. “We welcome everyone, including seniors, disabled people, but especially children, from the age of 3,” explains the gendarme. Our most recurring missions are gender-based and sexual violence within families.”
“I am happy with the time and care given to the victims”
30% of the files opened by the Family Protection Center concern minors. Since the end of 2019, procedures initiated for domestic violence have increased sevenfold in Yvelines, which can be explained by the freedom of speech. Chief Warrant Officer Virginie Redureau is categorical: “We can no longer do without it. »
If the structure is opening more and more files, it is because there is an “increase in requests, but also in staffing levels, which allows us to be more proactive”, explains the chief warrant officer. In three years, the unit has hired three social workers, who work in collaboration with the six gendarmes.
Anne Masquelier arrived two years ago: “I wanted to specialize in cases of domestic violence,” she explains. I am happy with the time devoted to the victims, and the care given to them, especially with all the projects at home. »
Allow “real reconstruction work”
In March, a beauty institute took place within this gendarmerie structure. The place allows adults to take care of themselves, once a month for six months, in a process of reclaiming their body. “We realized that after the criminal process, many victims were unable to fit in because of their relationship to the body and that of others,” explains the soldier.
A guest book has been installed there so that victims can “verbalize what they feel” and “give them back a voice”. Aurore Bergé would like to clarify: “It’s not a gadget. This room allows real reconstruction work. »
The brigade still has many projects like this for the future. The next one would be focused “for seniors”, hopes the chief warrant officer: “We would like to provide other care, with other partners”. Most of the ideas come, according to her, “from the people she meets and the problems they face”.