The Barnier government has fallen, and the purchasing power of Touraine employees could be affected. Since 2022, meal vouchers can be used to buy meat, pasta, vegetables, etc. And 30% of the vouchers issued that year were used in large and medium-sized supermarkets. A vote by the National Assembly extended the possibility of purchasing cooking products until 2026. But government censorship jeopardized this system from 1is January 2025.
Stores waiting
Stanislas Gauffriau, director of the Carrefour Express store on avenue de Grammont, in Tours, is waiting to hear the group's directives: “But for me, it won’t change anything, I’d rather have €10 than a €10 meal voucher”he says. The issuers of the securities take a commission on the payments. “Many customers use meal vouchers, especially at lunchtime” he concludes.
At the Leclerc Center in Joué-lès-Tours, around 1% of payments are made in meal vouchers, so this is not a big financial issue for the store. “It will be annoying for consumers. Some may be disappointed »worries Gervais Marchant, boss of the brand. The manager of the hypermarket is in suspense in the face of the vagueness caused by government censorship. But he assures that he will apply the law.
A financial boost
It is customers who speak best about their purchasing power. Everyone regrets the stop imposed on the use of meal vouchers. “It can be a big loss in standard of living. I have around €200 per month in restaurant cards, and we use them for shopping, not going to restaurants »explains Leslie, loyal to Leclerc in Joué-lès-Tours. Like 5.4 million French employees, she benefits from this boost co-financed by her company between 50 and 60%.
“It helps us every day”
Although initially created in the dual perspective “to help employees but also restaurateurs”, explains the consumer defense association UFC-Que Choisir of Indre-et-Loire, for many they have become a budgetary aid. “I'm quite annoyed, we don't earn thousands and cents with my partner and it's true that it helps us on a daily basis, especially with inflation”indignant Julie, a customer.
“At work, we don't have a restaurant nearby, so we prepare our meals in advance and bring our own bowl »explains Coralie who is shopping at Leclerc. A survey by the CNTR (National Center for Meal Vouchers) indicates that around 60% of French employees eat « homemade” at their workplace.
Meal vouchers to eat better
Julie raises another disadvantage: the impact on the budget will have repercussions on the quality of the power supply. “We are going to move towards low-end products, worse for your health, junk food in short”she explains.
It is also one of the workhorses of the UFC-Que Choisir of Indre-et-Loire for whom “preparing your meals at home allows you to choose what you put in them. With less salt, sugar and fat. » Even if she affirms that restaurateurs are not targeted by this battle over products “ultratransformed”the local section is calling for an overhaul of the use of meal vouchers.