a special issue, books and programs in tribute to the victims of the attack

a special issue, books and programs in tribute to the victims of the attack
a special issue, books and programs in tribute to the victims of the attack

On January 7, 2015, the Islamist attack by the Kouachi brothers struck Charlie Hebdokilling twelve people, including eight members of the editorial staff of the satirical weekly, target of jihadist threats since the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in 2006. Ten years later, the newspaper released a special issue, and a plethora of tributes , specials and books are planned these days.

A special issue of “Charlie Hebdo”

In a special 32-page issue, expected on newsstands on January 7, the precise date of the attack, the satirical weekly publishes caricatures selected during an international competition launched until mid-December. Baptized #RireDeDieuits goal is to denounce “the influence of all religionss” on society, according to Charlie. The editorial team will also give the results of a survey on the question: is still Charlie?

In December, Charlie Hebdo has already released the book Charlie Liberté, the diary of their life published by Les Échappés, to celebrate the work of the eight members of the editorial team who were broke on January 7, 2015: the designers Cabu, Charb, Honoré, Tignous and Wolinski, the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Elsa Cayat, the economist Bernard Maris and the proofreader Mustapha Ourrad .

Exceptional evening on France 2 and broadcasts on France.tv

Tuesday January 7, from 10:50 a.m., France 2 is offering a special live broadcast to follow the commemorations of the ten years of the attacks.

Then the channel programs an exceptional evening around the questions: Are we all still Charlie? Where are we with freedom of expression? Live from the National Library of France in , host Caroline Roux will receive journalists and cartoonists from Charlie Hebdoincluding Riss. Other guests, “terrorism specialists, to decipher the state of the threat today“, of the “teachers and students“on the question of secularism, and”comedians, artists, writers” Who “will question freedom of expression“, indicates the channel.

Franceinfo is planning a special day on Tuesday, with testimonies from actors and personalities, as well as new reports and debates on freedom of expression or secularism.

Other programs linked to the event will also be available on the France.tv platform while the franceinfo podcast They lived Charliewhich gives voice to those who experienced the attack, will be available from Monday.

Documentaries and broadcasts on TF1, M6 and TMC, archives on INA

For its part, TF1 is planning reports in its news from this weekend, and LCI will broadcast an in-house documentary from Friday at 9:00 p.m., Charlie Hebdo: they tell the horror.

On TMC and the TF1+ platform, the show 21H averages by Julien Bellver will focus on these January 2015 attacks on Monday evening, Horror in France.

Also on Monday, M6 will broaden the perspective to other attacks of that year, notably that of the Bataclan, with What binds usa documentary broadcast during an evening presented by Thomas Sotto.

The INA (National Audiovisual Institute) will also offer several formats linked to this anniversary and based on period archives, on its social networks, its website and its Madelen streaming platform.

Two new books and two reissues

The publishing world is also participating in this commemoration. Thus, the Cartooning for Peace association joined forces with Gallimard to publish Hold the line, 40 drawings for Charliein the Tracts collection.

For his part, journalist Daniel Schneidermann published a pamphlet on January 10, Charlism, to éditions du Seuil, in which he deplores the disappearance of the original Charlie spirit.

Finally, the editions of Cherche Midi are reissuing Still so stupid! of Cabu and Crazy in love by Wolinski.



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