Senegal is deeply marked by a tragedy that claimed the life of Souadou Sow, a 12-year-old girl. Victim of an attempted rape followed by murder, this tragedy caused shock waves and intense indignation across the country.
In an official press release, Maimouna Dieye, Minister of Family and Solidarity, expressed her “very great sorrow” at this abominable act. She strongly condemned this act and demanded that “the law be applied with the greatest rigor”. This declaration, relayed by the Sud Quotidien site, emphasizes the importance of the legislation adopted in 2020, law 2020-05 of January 10, intended to criminalize rape and pedophilia, with the aim of eradicating these crimes.
The ministry also highlighted the existence of an essential tool in the fight against violence against children: the “Allô 116” direct line, permanently available to report any form of violence, abuse or neglect.
Maimouna Dieye also expressed her sincere condolences to the family of Souadou Sow and assured that the government would provide all its support. Once again, according to our colleagues at Sud Quotidien, the mobilization around this affair aims to recall the authorities’ commitment to protecting children.
As part of the investigation, El Hadj Modou Fall, main suspect in this tragedy, was apprehended by the police in Tivaouane Peulh after a brief run. He is the father of the friend with whom Souadou spent New Year’s Eve on December 31. Known by the nickname Diary, Souadou had been invited to a party called “milk” at her friend’s apartment. Tragically, she did not survive that night, her body being found the next morning.
The first results of the investigation indicate that El Hadj Modou Fall attempted to rape the child during the night. Faced with Souadou’s resistance, he violently attacked and strangled her, as shown by the traces of violence found on her body.