24 new municipalities were created in on January 1, 2025: News

24 new municipalities were created in on January 1, 2025: News
24 new municipalities were created in France on January 1, 2025: News

As of January 1, 2025, 24 new municipalities were officially born, according to the Official Journal. These are all the result of the merger of old cities in order to save money.

On this first day of the year 2025, 24 municipalities were officially born, as indicated in the Official Journal of Wednesday January 1. But then, how could these cities have been born? All of them are in fact the result of the merger of already existing municipalities. The objective for these cities is to make savings in terms of expenses and material, human and financial resources, indicates BFMTV.

In Île-de-, the merger of Pierrefitte and Saint-Denis.

For the best known, this is notably the case of the city of Saint-Denis and Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, which merged to ultimately keep only the name of the first. It thus becomes the second largest city in Île-de-France with 150,000 inhabitants, behind .

Among the new municipalities which flourished on January 1, we find among others: Cugand-La Bernardière and Saint-Jean-d'Hermine for Vendée, Pern-Lhospitalet for Lot, Verdun-Ciel for Saône-et- and Magnac-lès-Gardes for Charente.

published on January 1 at 5:31 p.m., Gabriel Gadré, 6Médias





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