Two women died on Wednesday a few hours apart in Haute-Garonne, in the same sector of the Pyrenees, after slipping and falling from a height of 300 m, we learned from the CRS Pyrénées.
The first accident, which took place early in the morning in the town of Boutx, caused the death of a 33-year-old woman who had gone walking, accompanied by two other people, with insufficient equipment for this type of hiking in winter. , according to the CRS at the Luchon aid station, in Haute-Garonne.
A few hours later, a comparable accident, also near the Cagire peak, but in the town of Arguenos, caused the death of a 46-year-old woman.
She had left with her companion, also “with shoes that were not necessarily suitable”, while the snow, which had become “almost ice”, was currently extremely slippery.
“We had snowfall, then it rained and it froze with the temperatures”, making the ground very slippery, explained the CRS, for which “we must be vigilant”.
The Saint-Gaudens public prosecutor's office requested autopsies in order to determine the exact causes of these two deaths, according to La Dépêche.