In a few months, the planet will commemorate the end of the Second World War. The deadliest conflict, the one during which our world sank into the deepest inhumanity. Symbol of History: Poland took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union this Wednesday for six months. Poland, in tatters at the end of the 39-45 war, then battered by the communist winter for almost 50 years. While France and Germany are plunging into political instability and economic fragility, the voice of Europe will be carried by a country which knows the price of peace, that of external and internal security, that of territorial, energy, food sovereignty… And which is at the forefront of the Russian threat. Enough to perhaps open France to the real challenges of the continent and the planet.
Let us hope that in this new year, our leaders, even weakened, will lead all French people to take stock of these issues.
If our country was able, in 2024, to show the world its capacity to magnify its History, it remains, today, to prove that it knows how, with the same audacity, to confront the problems of the moment: climate transition, the future of the youngest, the public debt and these essential rights such as security, health, education and freedom. Having experienced scarcity, Poland knows that it is on prosperity that democracies are built and survive. Let us hope that in this new year, our leaders, even weakened, will lead all French people to take stock of these issues. They will have to move away from emergency governance and false promises of unlimited individual rights. If this responsibility falls to the men and women elected to lead, it is up to each of us to move away from our short-term concerns. Under these conditions, 2025 can be full of promise. A new year that we wish you the best possible.