Kedougou, 1is Jan (APS) – Around 1,000 patients suffering from different pathologies benefited from free medical consultations, at the initiative of the Kédougou Medical Assistance Association, APS learned from the president of this structure.
These four-day consultation days were organized by the Kédougou Medical Assistance Association led by Dr Oumou Diallo on duty at the Grand Mbour hospital.
“In total, we consulted around 1000 patients, particularly women, children and the elderly, with different cardiovascular disease pathologies such as high blood pressure, functional colopathy and gastric ulcer,” declared Doctor Diallo.
She spoke Tuesday at the closing of the fourth edition of the medical consultation and medical awareness and drug donation campaign in the Kédougou region, in the presence of all the members of her association.
The cardiology specialist made all patients consulted aware of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
“During these four days, we raised awareness about high blood pressure and diabetes to all the patients we met at the Mariama Diaby elementary school in the Saraya and Salémata departments,” he said. -she said.
Dr Oumou Diallo indicates that some patients have benefited from diabetes screening, to prevent cardiovascular diseases in Kédougou.
“You know these are diseases which are very common and which are responsible for high morbidity and mortality in Senegal,” she revealed, noting that this situation is due to poor quality of food.