Work of the Government Council on Thursday, December 26, 2024

Work of the Government Council on Thursday, December 26, 2024
Work of the Government Council on Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Governing Council adopts a draft decree establishing the list of exceptional leave granted to magistrates:

The Government Council, meeting Thursday, December 26 in Rabat, adopted draft decree No. 2.24.865 establishing the list of exceptional leaves enjoyed by magistrates and the list of illnesses giving them the right to medium and long-term sick leave. duration.

Presented by the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi, this project comes in application of the provisions of paragraphs 2 of article 63, 3 of article 67 and 1 of article 68 of organic law n° 106.13 relating to the status of magistrates, promulgated by Dahir No. 1-16-41 of 14 Joumada II 1437 (March 24 2016), as modified and supplemented, indicated the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, during a press briefing following the Council.

This project mainly aims to define the list of exceptional leaves enjoyed by magistrates, the list of illnesses entitling them to medium and long-term sick leave, with reference to the decision of the delegated president of the Superior Council of the Judicial Power to define the terms of taking the aforementioned leave, he added.

The Government Council adopts a draft decree on the supervision allowance for continuing training courses for the benefit of National Education executives:

The government council adopted, Thursday, December 26, a draft decree setting the conditions for granting compensation to civil servants responsible for supervising and leading continuing training and development courses organized for the benefit of executives of the Ministry of National Education.

This is draft decree No. 2.24.143 modifying and supplementing decree No. 2.93.534 of September 8, 1993 establishing the terms and conditions for granting compensation to civil servants responsible for supervising and leading the continuing training and development courses organized for the benefit of executives of the Ministry of National Education, presented by the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Ahmed El Bouari, on behalf of the Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, Mohamed Saad Berrada.

This project is part of the regulatory measures undertaken to achieve the objectives of framework law 51.17 relating to the system of education, training and scientific research, in particular those linked to the obligation of continuing training for human resources under the Department of National Education, indicated the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, during a press briefing following the Government Council.

This decree is also part of the implementation of programs aimed at implementing the 2022-2026 roadmap for education reform, in particular those relating to the application of continuing education diploma programs. based on practice to improve the performance of national education executives.

And to add that this project aims to modify certain provisions of decree 2.93.534 by setting the conditions for granting compensation to civil servants responsible for supervising and leading continuing training and development courses organized at benefit executives of the Ministry of National Education, by providing for an increase in the compensation set for civil servants responsible for supervising and leading continuing training and development courses, following the example of what had been summer withheld for overtime compensation.

The Governing Council adopts a draft decree relating to the legal minimum wage for agricultural and non-agricultural activities:

The Government Council, meeting Thursday, December 26 in Rabat, adopted draft decree n°2.24.1122 setting the legal minimum wage for agricultural and non-agricultural activities, presented by the Minister of Economic Inclusion and Small Business , Employment and Skills, Younes Sekkouri. This project is implemented in application of the commitments linked to improving the income of employees in the private sector, contained in the tripartite social agreement signed on April 29, 2024 between the government, the most representative trade union centers and the professional organizations of employers, concerning the increase in the legal minimum wage for agricultural and non-agricultural activities, indicated the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, during a press briefing after the Council.

According to the minister, the said draft decree also intervenes in application of the provisions of decree n°2.08.374 of 5 rajab 1429 (July 9, 2008) implementing article 356 of law n°65.99 relating to the Labor Code.

This draft decree, which provides for an increase in the legal minimum wage of 5% in non-agricultural and agricultural activities, sets the minimum wage per hour in non-agricultural activities at 17.1 dirhams from January 1, 2025, a-t he detailed. From April 1, 2025, the legal minimum wage paid for a day of work in agricultural activities will be set at 93 dirhams, added the minister.

The Government Council adopts a draft decree relating to the application of the VAT provided for in Title III of the CGI:

The Government Council adopted, Thursday, December 26, a draft decree relating to the application of the value added tax (VAT) provided for in Title III of the General Tax Code (CGI), presented by the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance, in charge of the Budget, Fouzi Lekjaa.

This is draft decree no. 2.24.1110 modifying and supplementing decree no. 2-06-574 of 10 Dhou al-Hijja 1427 (December 31, 2006), taken for the application of the VAT provided for in Title III of the CGI.

This project aims to modify and supplement the aforementioned decree, in accordance with the provisions introduced by article 8 of Finance Law No. 60.24 for the 2025 financial year, concerning this tax, explained the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, during a press briefing following the Council.

The government council is informed of two international conventions:

The government council took note, during its meeting on Thursday, December 26, of two international conventions and two related bills, presented by the Secretary General of the Government, Mohamed Hajoui, on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African cooperation and Moroccans living abroad, Nasser Bourita.

This is an agreement between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Chad relating to non-double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion in matters of income tax, signed in Dakhla on August 14, 2024, and Bill No. 53.24 approving the said convention, indicated the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, during a press briefing in the outcome of the council.

The council was also informed of the convention on social security between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Korea, signed on June 2, 2024 in Seoul, and of bill No. 37.24 approving this convention, added the spokesperson. -speech.

The Governing Council approves proposals for appointment to higher positions:

The Governing Council approved, Thursday, December 26, proposals for appointment to higher functions, in accordance with the provisions of article 92 of the Constitution.

Thus, at the level of the Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy, Ms. Ilham Saidi was appointed director of the Guelmim-Oued Noun Urban Agency, indicates a press release of the delegated ministry responsible for Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson.

At the Ministry of Transport and Logistics, Mr. Tarik Talbi was appointed Director General of Civil Aviation, adds the same source.

(MAP: December 26, 2024)



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