Retrospective 2024: political surprises

Retrospective 2024: political surprises
Retrospective 2024: political surprises

Several decisions and political events of this year 2024 will be forever engraved in memories. We remember the slap in the face inflicted by the Swiss people on the reform of the LPP in September. This last vote was sharply rejected by nearly 67% of the votes. In the canton of Fribourg, 73.6% of voters said “no” to the project.

After this overwhelming defeat, it was the turn of the burlesque chapter of AVS expenditure projections. The Federal Social Insurance Office (OFAS), headed at this period by Stéphane Rossini, recognized that expenditure would be around 4 billion francs lower than what had been planned for 2033. An erroneous mathematical formula had been used. origin of the blunder.

In response to this, Socialist Women recently filed an appeal with the Federal Court against the vote on raising the retirement age for women. The alarmist financial forecasts would have been one of the reasons why the latter obtained a very small majority in September 2022.

2024 was also a victorious year for the left, like the initiative for the payment of a 13th AVS pension which attracted nearly 58.3% of Swiss citizens. However, several crucial issues are still relevant and will certainly occupy 2025, such as inflation and the increase in health insurance premiums.

To conclude the year, Switzerland and the European Union reached the end of negotiations on packages of sectoral agreements in December. New agreements were established in the areas of electricity, food safety and health, the updating and development of existing agreements as well as Switzerland’s participation in EU programs such as Horizon Europe.

RadioFr. – Writing / Web adaptation: Yann Girard




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