Created in 1987, Solidarité paysans Bretagne is a general interest association which defends and supports farmers in difficulty in the four Breton departments. A mission supported by the Mutuelle sociale agricole, local authorities, or even grants, like that paid to it by Biocoop-bio Golfe on Monday December 16, 2024, in Vannes (Morbihan). A check for €2,500, paid via the brand’s endowment fund : “This year, we have chosen to provide our assistance to associations in four regions, including Brittany. And it is Solidarity peasants Brittany that we chose
indicates Joël Penguilly, administrator of the Fund.
300 families helped each year
This sum will be injected into the operation of the structure which has ten employees and around a hundred volunteers. who support around 300 farming families each year in the region
indicates Patrick Guillerme, himself a volunteer. The former organic dairy farmer has seen the missions of his association evolve over time: At the end of the 80s, we intervened a bit as a firefighter on duty. Without too many resources, we tried to intervene as a last resort, on liquidations or candle sales. We extinguished the candle to stop the sale or seizure of goods
More and more organic files
Now structured, the association today provides legal and technical support. Our volunteers are not only former farmers, they are also specialists in administration and accounting and we also intervene on psychosocial aspects,”
explains Patrick Guillerme.
With a percentage that climbs to the organic level since 2021 and the end of covid, we have gone from 20 to 40% of organic files
and funding more difficult to obtain, the Solidarité paysans Bretagne association is therefore delighted to find new patrons: We arrive at an average support cost of €3,700 per farmer. So every support is essential. The agricultural world is evolving and to best help it, work must be done with partnerships,”
concludes Julie Kerleau, facilitator of the Morbihan team.