Marie Aillerie
Published on
Dec 11 2024 at 4:06 p.m.
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Flag bearers, carrying wreaths, carrying medals… They were 22 young firefighters (JSP) to take part in their own way in the Sainte-Barbe ceremony at the Orne departmental fire and rescue service.
Family vocation
For a large majority, this wish to become a JSP came from a parent already involved in a barracks. “My father has been a firefighter for almost 30 years. I have seen him go into intervention since I was little,” explains Esteban Leroyer, 15 years old, JSP for three years. “For us, she’s our mother,” add Jeanne and Louis Planche, in the first year.
Employed in various fire and rescue centers in the department, they are trained in theory and practice by a professional firefighter. “We at Domfront, we train every other Friday and Saturday, with two hours of sport then two hours of classroom lessons,” explains Audrey Ferard, who has started her second year of JSP. For Louis and Jeanne, based at the Sées barracks, the rhythm is similar. “Every other week on Saturdays, we do an hour of sport and we practice maneuvers. »
Cohesion outside school
Although not all involved in the same sector, the JSPs find themselves during of events organized by the SDIS. “We see each other again for example during the cross country, the maneuver competition, and today during the Sainte-Barbe. Every time we are really happy to see each other together,” smiles Esteban.
But then, why such a young commitment, when some are still in college? “It makes us friends outside of school, in a different setting. Here, we learn that we are a team, cohesion is really important,” assures Oscar Corvée, in the third year of JSP. “It’s a bit like the school of life,” Jeanne concedes.
Life is precisely what these young people will be responsible for saving. Even if, for the moment, it may scare them.
That's also why we do this, but I'm afraid of trying to save someone and not succeeding.
“There we train on mannequins but at the moment, we don’t know how we can react,” adds Audrey, who fears death.
They already see themselves as volunteers
The training of young firefighters lasts four yearss. After that, they will have to pass a brevet to finally join the ranks. But for these five young people, there is no question of becoming professionals. “I want to remain a volunteer firefighter so as not to make it a routine. I want it to remain a passion,” says Esteban. “Plus, we have other career projects! », concludes Louis.
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