The town of Remollon has launched a subscription via the Heritage Foundation for the restoration of the floor of its church, in conjunction with the parish priest of Tallard.
A religious building the result of popular mobilization
The church of Remollon was built in 1842-1843 at the initiative of the priest Auguste Martel, former Superior of Notre-Dame du Laus, in order to provide the village with a place of worship sized for a population of 600 souls. Its construction was carried out thanks to the support of a large part of the village's inhabitants who participated in the work directly, through chores, or large monetary donations. Although due to lack of resources the church was unable to have a bell tower, it has two beautiful chapels and three old paintings protected as Historic Monuments.
The search for sustainable restoration
Despite significant restorations in 2010-2011, the church is today subject to new disorders. Subjected to rising damp, the pine floor (approximately 350m2) is the victim of attacks by fungi and wood-eating insects, causing it to collapse in the public passage areas and in the choir. This situation jeopardizing the safety of users, the building had to be closed to the public in July 2024.
Following the diagnosis of a Design Office, restoration work was scheduled. Conducted under the direction of a heritage architect, their construction is planned in two phases. The first consists of creating a crawl space over the entire floor and renovating the floor of the nave. The second concerns the repair of the floor of the two side chapels and the choir, as well as the installation of an exterior drain. These operations are the expression of the search for a sustainable and ecological solution (choice of materials, natural ventilation) for preserving the new floor.
Let's help the Municipality finance this work to allow the reopening of the Remollon church. It will be a great joy!
Here is the donation slip:
Donation slip – Remollon Church
You can of course also subscribe by electronic payment on the Foundation website: