Tour de France: what will be the entertainment program for the arrival in Villeneuve-sur-Lot on July 11?

Tour de France: what will be the entertainment program for the arrival in Villeneuve-sur-Lot on July 11?
Tour de France: what will be the entertainment program for the arrival in Villeneuve-sur-Lot on July 11?

the essential
One week before the arrival of the 12th stage of the Tour de France in the fortified town, here is a quick tour of the programme of events planned in Villeneuve and Monflanquin.

Since the announcement of the arrival of this 12th stage in the bastide, something that had not happened since 2020, ideas have been flying around to make this day a real day of celebration. That year, it was Eric Dekker who crossed the finish line, marked on the Avenue de Fumel in front of the Parc des Fontanelles, as the winner after a long breakaway. It will therefore have taken 24 years to see the Tour caravan back on our roads. And whether it be local and regional authorities, associations, sports clubs, individuals… everyone was involved in organizing this event.

And if the roof of the Sainte-Catherine church is now protected by a huge umbrella, the aerial views that will be offered by the cameras of France promise to be impressive, so much have the inhabitants been involved in this adventure.

A fan zone in Monflanquin

The peloton will arrive via the Monflanquin road, a high-perched fortified town that is also fully mobilised for the passage of the caravan. A fan zone, created for the occasion by the municipality and Groupama, will be created and will welcome the public from 11am to 6pm. A giant screen will broadcast the race live. In addition, every 20 minutes, a presenter will organise games with gadgets to be won. The Secours Populaire will provide a BMX circuit and allow teenagers to learn and have fun from 3pm to 6pm. Pony rides will also be offered for the youngest.

Foodies will find what they are looking for with sausages, merguez or mussels and chips offered by the Union Boulistes, as well as regional products by the FDSEA. You can even prepare your own smoothie while pedaling thanks to the “Vélo Smoothie”. Entertainment offered throughout the day, while waiting for the Tour caravan to pass by and then the riders a few hours later. Before continuing the road for the final packaging towards Villeneuve-sur-Lot and the Myre-Mory sports complex, where the finish will be judged.

A crossing of the fortified town, of which the runners will probably not see much, but which will offer the thousands of spectators who will have made the trip to watch the entertainment throughout the day some beautiful images.

All public spaces in the city taken over by the Tour

It will of course be impossible to circulate on the passage and around the route taken by the runners, and before that the caravan (for parking and shuttles, see the box). This is why all the large public spaces, from the François-Mitterrand park to the République car park, passing through the Saint-Cyr park and the Georges-Leygues boulevard, will be occupied.

In the François-Mitterrand park, a few hundred meters from the finish line, a partner village will come to life with many activities on offer throughout the day: games, distribution of goodies, inflatable structures, photobooth animation. And around 12:30 p.m., a large parade of children from leisure centers and sports associations will cycle the last 2 kilometers of the Villeneuvoise stage, from the Bastérou roundabout to the finish line.

On the right bank, the République car park will be occupied by the Bureau Interprofessionnel du Pruneau (BIP), with activities around the prune, plum oven, giant screen, tasting, producer and processor stands, while in front of the tourist office, activities and an exhibition will be offered. From 12 noon, Boulevard Georges-Leygues will host rides, velocipedes, bandas, strolls and street arts, majorettes… And many other things. The Saint-Cyr car park will see a local producers market offering its delicacies and at 9 p.m., the day will end with a big free concert by Saults in the Saint-Cyr park.

On the part of the organizers, it is a common desire to offer, throughout the day, a whole range of activities, discoveries and surprises so that each spectator feels at home here and wants to come back.

Tour de France: parking in the bastide

Only a few days left before the arrival of the Tour in Villeneuve. Here is the list of car parks that will be available to the public.
– Hinault car park: Marot/Mares district (1,100 vehicles), no shuttle, 15-minute walk to the city centre;
– Fignon car park: Descartes school (450 vehicles), served by the L2 West Fignon shuttle;
– Devenez 1,2,3,4 parking: Bias shopping area, served by the L1 West Devenez shuttle or the L6;
– Pingeon car park: Malbentre swimming pool (620 vehicles), served by the L3 south Pingeon shuttle;
– Aimar car park: close to the Campanile (1,800 vehicles), shuttle service, 10-minute walk to reach the finish line at Myre-Mory;
– Robic 1 car park: two car parks in the Labourdette area (2,600 vehicles), served by the L2 Est Robic;
– Robic 2 car park: at the old train station market, served by the L2 Est Robic;
– Robic 3 car park: in the Grand pièce area (3,500 vehicles), served by the L2 Est Robic
– Bobet 1 car park: Courbiac, served by the L1 Est Bobet;
– Bobet 2 car park: Leclerc shopping area, Parasol stop, served by the L1 Est Bobet.
Shuttles will run every 30 minutes from 7 a.m. to midnight.



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