SM Caen. Romain Thomas: “We were eager to get back to work”

SM Caen. Romain Thomas: “We were eager to get back to work”
SM Caen. Romain Thomas: “We were eager to get back to work”


Meline Leclerc

Published on

Jul 2, 2024 at 5:24 PM

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« Everyone is motivated, with a smile, that’s the most important thing“. These are the words of Romain Thomas. The 36-year-old central defender spoke about the return to training at Stade Malherbe Caen, this Monday, July 1, 2024.

Last season’s frustration forgotten

He describes a motivated Caen team who want to work.

As long as we wear the Malherbe jersey, we are fully behind the club. We are all focused and we will increase crescendo as the preparation progresses.

Romain Thomas, captain of SM Caen

After finishing last season on a frustration, we have to move forward and the captain is aware of this: “It was painful because we came close to something. But I said it, I repeated it and I repeat it again: we are coming back from nowhere compared to the first part of the season, so that must make us want to start well and continue. Today, We must try to prepare as best we can to have a great season.. » The return of players on loan will also bring freshness to the team, especially since they are coming back from good seasons.

An internship that will do you good

The players are going to leave next July 14th in preparation training. The Caen team is heading to Switzerland, where they will be able to get a change of scenery. “They wanted to take us somewhere different, the mountains, it will do us good,” smiles the captain. Romain Thomas says he is delighted with this training course which will allow to take your mind off things before starting many friendly matches : “Friendly matches, it’s true that sometimes they can be long, but it’s essential, we know that. If we don’t go through that, we’ll have average seasons.”

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I hope to be the captain, I will do everything to do so, in any case, I am motivated.

Romain Thomas, central defender of SM Caen

Of ambition

Ambitious for both himself and the team, Romain Thomas has never hidden his desire to wear the armband under the red and blue tunic. Already captain last season, he should keep his role. “I had discussed it a little with the coach at the end of the season, he confirmed me in this position, but I am not someone who rests on my laurels. I always want to perform from weekend to weekend, to be the best possible.” The former Angevin is optimistic for the upcoming season for the SMC: ” I signed for this club to try to bring it back to Ligue 1.I am driven by that, we all are. It is up to us to put everything we need on the pitch to bring the club and the supporters to Ligue 1.

The club can therefore dream of promotion, but it will have to believe in it: “There will be something to go for this year, with perhaps less movement during the season.” For Romain Thomas, this stability will allow the group to have serenity and to be able to perform. It will also be necessary to arm oneself with confidence: ” We are all convinced of what we are capable of doing.we weren’t far off last year.”

While the players say they are ready to work, the season is only just beginning.

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