Five photos to relive the 4th Youth Festival in Menton

Five photos to relive the 4th Youth Festival in Menton
Five photos to relive the 4th Youth Festival in Menton

Despite uninviting weather conditions, the 4e edition of the Youth Festival took place on Saturday in Menton! And this to the great delight of young and old alike!

And the heavy rain that punctuated the day did not dampen this event organized by the Youth Service of the City of Menton at the Rondelli stadium.

On this occasion, around twenty facilitators, under the leadership of Johann Gobindram – head of the Youth and Inclusion Animation Unit -, mobilized to welcome, supervise and monitor this event dedicated to 12-25 year-olds*.

Power, agility and… …precision were the order of the day during this day dedicated to youth. Photo N. D..

For this 2024 vintage, no fewer than 22 activities were offered to the public. Animations which, for this fourth opus, took the form of a “sporting challenge”!

Nothing more normal for an event scheduled during the Euro and the Tour de France and which comes shortly before the major sporting event of this summer: the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Challenges and activities

Around twenty facilitators from the Youth Service of the City of Menton were present to launch the 2024 summer season with young people! Photo N. D..

This year, three new features were in the spotlight: the “Mega Challenger Pack”, the “Eurolito” at the Lucien-Rhein stadium and the famous “Challenge Wall”.

Enough to “challenge” the different generations of players who came to brave the stormy episodes to win and above all have fun…

And who says that sport and culture don’t “go well together”? Certainly not the organizers! Oriental and African dances were in the spotlight during performances scheduled throughout these festivities.

African dances and percussions put on a show during the afternoon!
Photo N. D..

And like last year, free places for the next Monegasque Herculis** meeting were offered to reward the 2,200 young visitors who came to answer the call of all these activities!

One thing is certain: the summer season is well and truly underway for the young people of the city of lemons!

*For the youngest, the activities were the responsibility of the parents.
**The meeting will take place on Friday, July 12, 2024.

. Photo N. D..


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