Opening up the field of possibilities thanks to the Local Mission

Opening up the field of possibilities thanks to the Local Mission
Opening up the field of possibilities thanks to the Local Mission

Local stakeholders, partners and members took stock of the numerous actions carried out by the Local Mission for young people aged 16 to 25.

During the general meeting of the Local Mission (ML) of Vichy and its region, at the Foyer des jeunes travailleurs de Vichy, the moral and financial reports for the year 2023 were adopted.

The advisors had to adapt to their “clientele” because there was a sharp increase in the number of first receptions of young minors, which required the mobilization of teams within the framework of the “To Come” system financed by the State.

A spatial reorganization and a redistribution of roles. Good results meet the national ambition (96.6% of the annual objective). An ML labeling audit will take place on July 8.

Collective work

“A local specificity should be noted, the collective work of the three local missions of Allier (Moulins, Montluçon and Vichy). And a multiple partnership with Cap emploi, France emploi and the departmental council”, specifies the president, Évelyne Voitellier. Data completed by Frédérique Saby, director and Julien Desplaignes, deputy director.

“Of the 2,060 young people in the area, 77% come to Vichy and 80% are first-time visitors, including 33% who are school dropouts. Young people aged 16-17 often have low self-esteem, no qualifications, no career plans, no mobility and sometimes no housing (15.5%). Comprehensive support from advisors (work, health, psychological) is provided. Among the services offered: access to employment, career plans, citizenship, training, health, housing, training and help with daily life.”

Furthermore, “we note a rise in the Youth Commitment Contract (CEJ) with its 30 workshops offered”.

The ML is known and works within a network with great prospects this year: the WorldSkills Competition, the Four Paths to Alternation forum, the development of a specific action in Vichy.

She can collect the apprenticeship tax.



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