After Nice, Cannes and Antibes, Menton launches its hunt for cigarette butts on public roads

After Nice, Cannes and Antibes, Menton launches its hunt for cigarette butts on public roads
After Nice, Cannes and Antibes, Menton launches its hunt for cigarette butts on public roads

Like Nice, Cannes, Antibes, Grasse or Beausoleil before it, the City of Menton is preparing to sign a contract with the eco-organization Alcome – in charge of reducing cigarette butts illicitly thrown on the public highway. The main objective of the latter is to reduce the presence of cigarette corpses in public spaces, by 20% in 2024, 35% in 2026, 40% by 2027.

Alcome actually responds to the polluter-pays logic: producers who put products generating waste on the market must take charge – particularly financially – of the management of this waste. This eco-organization’s shareholders include Philipp Morris and Seita, among others.

Actions planned with municipalities that enter into contracts? Provision of communication and awareness tools, provision of ashtrays, direct financial support, removal and coverage of the costs of recovering the butts collected… Financial support is calculated on the number of inhabitants, underlines the assistant to the ecological transition, Élodie Robert. To the extent that Menton is classified as a tourist town, it will be 1.58 euros per year per inhabitant.

The actions will more broadly strengthen the City’s resources to combat this daily pollution.

“It’s a great project, will it take effect from this summer?”questions opponent Anthony Malvault, aware that there is “indeed a lot of incivility”The assistant replied that the town hall had 90 days after signing the resolution to complete the file.In particular, it will be necessary to provide an action plan on which we are already working, explains Elodie Robert. Then we have one year to implement it. Depending on the actions, and supporting evidence, this will result in reimbursement.”



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