Surprise, we were at the Star Academy concert in Lyon

Surprise, we were at the Star Academy concert in Lyon
Surprise, we were at the Star Academy concert in Lyon

The students of Star Academy 2024 put on a festive show for their very last date in Lyon. We were among the fans and we tell you everything.

Little students who have become adults. While they were still totally unknown to the public a few months ago, the last seven academics of the adventure Star Academy 2024 alone filled the LDLC Arena during a festive and family show which marked their last visit to Lyon of the year. The winner Pierre Garnier will be back on April 11 for his first solo tour entitled Every second turn.

The entire academics on stage.

Star Academy: a truly popular show

5:30 p.m. and around us there is euphoria. We see many families, with children and teenagers. Everyone is excited to see (or see again) those they have followed for more than four months on television on TF1. This season of the Star Academy has indeed been a real audience success. The final was watched live by more than 4 million viewers and fans also took over social networks, making the program one of the most talked about topics on X. This craze is now confirmed on the ground with a tour that ends after more than 70 dates. Including one in Paris Bercy.

Fans of the show responded.

Fans rally for candidates

If you thought that Star Ac’ was just a fleeting phenomenon, think again. In just a few months, communities of fans have formed around these seven new artists performing on the tour. These fans have nothing to envy those of Taylor Swift or Coldplay. On their scales, they managed to organize themselves to set up surprise projects and get noticed by their protégés at each performance of the tour.

Evelyne, member of the Candies Nation.

Around us, we notice a person who is busy. She is distributing sheets of paper to the public with the image of her favorite candidate and gives the following instructions. “You stand up while Candice sings.” She then answers us. “I’m 45 years old and I really fell in love with Candice from the first prime. I had the impression while watching the show that the production team wasn’t highlighting her and wasn’t showing her vocal abilities. So several of us mobilized on social media to create the Candies Nation and support her.”

She will tell us that she was able to meet the candidate this afternoon with a handful of other privileged people to give her gifts. We also see other fans distributing similar sheets but for other students. Each one has their favorite after all.

La Star Ac’, a festive and rhythmic concert

Around 8 p.m., Paola Perrina candidate from season 10 of Star’Ac, goes on stage and begins the first part. She performs her own compositions for about twenty minutes before the start of the show.

Then a tape narrated by Nikos Aliagas is launched. We rediscover the cult passages of the show ” They worked hard. They progressed. They grew. This is Star Academy!“. In the room, there is loud applause and bright flags bearing the show’s logo are waved. The seven academics arrive on a platform one after the other, taking up the song Fly Me of Jean-Jacques Goldman.

On the stage, a giant screen in the background displays the famous Château des Vives-Eaux, in which the candidates lived during the show. Then follows a compilation of the best songs that the candidates performed during the show. Pierre Garnierthe winner, takes over Shallow in duet with the semi-finalist Helena. The youngest Lazy interpreter Dance The Night of Dua Lipa in a choreographed performance that of course reminds us Barbie. In short, there’s something for everyone…

Pierre Garnier performs his single Who we were.

Star Academy finalists perform their own songs

There won’t just be covers this Saturday night at the LDLC Arena. Pierre Garnier, Helena, Axel et Julienthe last four candidates of the show will perform their first original titles. Full house for Who we were, the winning composition which seems to have already won over the public. The Belgian candidate performs her composition Summer Body in a darkness illuminated only by the flashes of phones. This original title, released a week earlier, is an ode to self-acceptance on the beach, when one can feel vulnerable.

End of runway on Family.

Finally, after several wild medleys on Michael Jackson or Britney Spearsthe candidates bow out on Familyin total communion with their audience. For nearly 2.5 hours, young and old sang the greatest hits of French and international variety.

Concert Report of the Star Academy June 29, 2024 at the LDLC Arena in Decines.



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