Four years of work are underway between Caudan and Lanester

Four years of work are underway between Caudan and Lanester
Four years of work are underway between Caudan and Lanester

This is an old and highly anticipated project! confides Fabrice Vély, the mayor of Caudan (Morbihan). Our town is crossed from North to South by the departmental road and from East to West by the national road, making soft mobility very complicated. This will generate inconvenience for residents during the duration of the work, but with added value at the end. The regional directorate of cultural affairs has prescribed archaeological excavations which will take place this summer, then in the fall.

A new carpooling area

The 2×2 lanes will be implemented over 3.8 kilometers between Lann Sévelin, in the commune of Lanester, and Kergoal located north of Caudan. This section of road sees between 18,000 and 20,000 cars per day,” underlines Gérard Pierre, vice-president of the Morbihan departmental council, in charge of roads. In this project, we took environmental issues into account. Soft mobility, through the development of the continuity of cycle routes, is widely taken into account. A new carpooling area will also be built at the Kergoal interchange. Furthermore, we are not building a new road, but we are improving the existing one!

The works are scheduled to last until 2028, in phases, with continuity of traffic on the RD 769″, mentions Xavier Domaniecki, director of roads and development at the departmental council. Traffic adjustments and diversions will be proposed as the work progresses.

An ecological corridor for bats

The first stage, starting in September, will consist of completing the Kergoal interchange with a temporary slip road towards Lorient, to access the city centre of Caudan. The second will consist of the construction of the Restendrezen interchange. The interchange will be closed in 2025 , specifies Xavier Domaniecki. Traffic will be diverted via a temporary route to the East. From September 2024 to December 2025, the Saint-Joseph bridge will be demolished and then rebuilt, longer and wider, to allow the integration of a cycle path. An ecological corridor for bats will be created on the south side and the continuity of the Caudan stream will be replaced by a landscaped framework.

In 2026, a new interchange will be built at Kergoal. Access to the orchards will be redeveloped. The track will be doubled in 2027 and 2028. Commissioning is planned for the end of 2028.



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