“Tight, but possible”, “We will decide whether to go or not”, “I call for a tidal wave”: the reactions of the candidates in the legislative elections in the second constituency of Nièvre

“Tight, but possible”, “We will decide whether to go or not”, “I call for a tidal wave”: the reactions of the candidates in the legislative elections in the second constituency of Nièvre
“Tight, but possible”, “We will decide whether to go or not”, “I call for a tidal wave”: the reactions of the candidates in the legislative elections in the second constituency of Nièvre

The RN continues its rise in the second constituency of Nièvre. Between Julien Guibert and a seat in the National Assembly, now stands Christian Paul. And Sandra Germain?

Dominique Dupuis

For Lutte Ouvrière, 1.61%: “We do not own our votes. People will do what they want. It is out of the question, of course, to vote for the Macronist camp. It is out of the question, either, to vote for the RN. Now, if they want to vote for a left-wing candidate, they will do so. What will count, in the future, is not the composition of the National Assembly or the government, but the struggle, the capacity of workers to resume the fight.”

All our articles on the legislative elections

Christian Paul

For the New Popular Front and the Socialist Party, 26.35%: “The main lesson is that the majority of voters did not want the RN to take the second constituency hostage from the first round. As the entire country, we can clearly see that this territory is divided by this election and by the way in which the RN stirs up fears and anger. I understand them and I share the essence of them. They must not lead to violence. resentment, but rather to resistance. They must be converted into energy to move forward. The first round was a vote of conviction. What is important now is that the Republicans in full. There is only one missing, we can clearly say stop to the extreme right, which we see all over the world causing immense damage when it comes to power. It is always the poorest who are the ones to blame. main victims.

Today, there is a desire for Republicans to come together, this is the call I am making this evening. With all the voters who did not choose the RN in the first round, there we have a majority. This majority must be won. I will work on it, from [lundi] first thing in the morning. It will be a close vote, but possible.

Sandra Germain

For the presidential majority and Renaissance, 20.43%: “Totally appalled to see such a high RN result for our department. For voters, it is either the choice of the extreme right or the choice of the extreme left , because it is a shame that my friends from the PS have allied themselves with LFI. What is the future for Nièvre? [Le second tour ?] I am waiting for a Republican upsurge. I am in the Republican arc. Now, we will decide with our teams this evening whether or not to go to the second round.”

Marc-Alexandre Vincent

For Les Républicains, 5.27%: “A very short campaign, in more than two hundred municipalities, it was practically impossible to do. But a very interesting campaign, very rich in meetings. The result, I am not necessarily very surprised. I am still disappointed on the part of certain elected officials who did not want to take a position, surely with the municipal elections coming up. I remain very happy, very proud to have shown that there were other possibilities than those proposed by the usual faces of the elections in Nièvre”.

Aurore Munoz

For Debout la France, 1.53%: “I’m not surprised. We expected this result. It was a first application, not really for me, I can understand that people weren’t too keen to vote for me, I accept it. [Le second tour ?] We’re going to stay on the right side, we’ll see what we’re going to do…”.

Julien Guibert

For the National Rally, 44.79%: “It’s a satisfaction. It’s clearly a surge of voters that continues election after election. We started this progress in the presidential election with 52% of the votes for Marine Le Pen in this constituency. Then, for the European elections, we got 39.8%. And, this evening, with an increase in participation, we got almost 45%.”

I am clearly calling for a tidal wave next Sunday, to send the first RN deputy from Nièvre to the National Assembly and a second with Charles-Henri Gallois in the first constituency. We embody hope for people. For many, Christian Paul embodies the old departmental left, which has been in charge of everything for sixty years. People have had enough of these methods. […] Also, there was a sanction vote against the presidential party, on its mode of governance with 49.3. If the people vote, the people win.

Bertrand Yvernault



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