2024 Legislative Elections. “No voice for the RN”, a candidate withdraws in the Pyrénées-Orientales

2024 Legislative Elections. “No voice for the RN”, a candidate withdraws in the Pyrénées-Orientales
2024 Legislative Elections. “No voice for the RN”, a candidate withdraws in the Pyrénées-Orientales


Emilien Vicens

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 5:24 p.m.
; updated July 1, 2024 at 5:27 p.m.

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It’s official, there will be no three-way race in the second round of the legislative elections in the Eastern Pyrenees. The day after the first round, Laurence Gayte, candidate of the presidential majority, qualified in third position in the 3e constituency, announced his withdrawal. The former MP explains herself and calls for blocking the RN.

The majority candidate withdraws

She gathered 20.42% of the votes and managed to qualify for the second round of the legislative elections. Laurence Gayte finally withdraws from the race for deputy. The day after the announcement of the results, the one who was elected deputy in 2017, already under the banner of the presidential majority, threw in the towel.

This Sunday, June 30, the candidate Ensemble came third from the third constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales, largely behind the outgoing RN deputy Sandrine Dogor-Such (45.57%) and the candidate of the New Popular Front, Nathalie Cullell (28,03%).

“The far right is on the verge of power”

On her Facebook account, Laurence Gayte first thanked her voters. “We have doubled our score compared to the European elections. It is a real dynamic that unfortunately was not enough,” she summarized, before making her withdrawal official:

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“For the first time in our history, the extreme right is on the verge of power and can have an absolute majority in the National Assembly. We cannot accept this, so with Guillaume Bellaton (his substitute, Editor’s note), we have decided to withdraw from the second round.”

Laurence Gayte
Candidate for the 3rd constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales

“We call for this let no vote go to the National Rally”writes Laurence Gayte, who does not directly invite her voters to vote for the rebellious candidate, but who calls, on the other hand, to block the party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella.

Uncertainty in the second round?

While the outgoing RN MP for the second constituency of the Pyrénées-Orientales, Anaïs Sabatini, was re-elected in the first round this Sunday, there will be a second round in the three other constituencies of the department. But each time, the National Rally candidates achieved very high scores, very close to 50%.

If the result seems almost certain in the first and fourth constituencies, the “greatest” uncertainty therefore remains in the third. Despite her 45.57%, what reserves of votes does Sandrine Dogor-Such have? Will Laurence Gayte’s voters vote unanimously for Nathalie Culluell next Sunday? This is the question of this second round in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

“France deserves that we do not hesitate and I trust my voters, their sense of responsibility,” concludes Laurence Gayte, who remains at the head of the Radical 66 Party.

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