Verrières-en-Anjou. “A real pleasure to play”

Verrières-en-Anjou. “A real pleasure to play”
Verrières-en-Anjou. “A real pleasure to play”


Meeting with Nicolas Mourlon, director of the Saint-Sylvain-d’Anjou golf course. He received nearly 250 children from surrounding schools for initiations.

Can you tell us about the collaboration with local schools?

Nicolas Mourlon: “I contacted the surrounding schools whose contact details I had. I don’t know if it’s the Olympic effect but this initiation was very successful. We received 250 students aged 6 to 10 this year compared to around a hundred last year. The teachers really bought into the approach and were very helpful in managing the groups on the ground.”

What are the main objectives?

“They are threefold: first, we want to introduce golf to a young audience who might not have had the opportunity to practice it otherwise. Next, we want to break the stereotypes around this sport, which is often perceived as elitist. Finally, we would like to offer children the opportunity to enroll in golf school next year for those who wish to continue.

“We worked around three workshops: hitting the ball then putting the ball in a hole and finally completing a mini-course while respecting the rules. The students from Jean-de-la-Fontaine were able to come a second time and after a warm-up phase on the driving range, they were able to complete a team course and discover the very essence of this sport. »

How did the children react?

“We have had very positive feedback. They were very enthusiastic and curious. Many have discovered that they truly enjoy playing golf, which is very rewarding. Their energy and enthusiasm encourage us to perpetuate this type of initiative. »

What skills and values ​​can golf provide to young children?

“Respect, patience, perseverance… It also helps to develop motor and coordination skills. It is a sport that also requires concentration and strategy, which can be very beneficial for children’s development. »

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Such. 02 41 27 78 48.



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