The international press points to the “triumph” of Marine Le Pen and the extreme right

The international press points to the “triumph” of Marine Le Pen and the extreme right
The international press points to the “triumph” of Marine Le Pen and the extreme right

Many major international dailies are giving their front page this Monday, July 1, to the results of the French legislative elections. Marine Le Pen is on the cover of many titles.

All eyes on France. A large number of foreign dailies, French-speaking or not, are devoting their front pages this Monday, July 1, to French news, and more particularly to the result of the first round of the French legislative elections.

The focus is particularly placed on the lead obtained by the National Rally which collected 33.14% of the votes cast, ahead of the New Popular Front (27.99%) and Ensemble (20.76%).

El Pais, Frankfurter Allgemeine, La Libre… Marine Le Pen is featured in a large number of daily newspapers. She sometimes embodies “the Le Pen party”, the extreme right or the opposition to Emmanuel Macron.

“The RN at the door of power”

“Prelude to the triumph of the extreme right” is the title of the Belgian daily La Libre, for example. “The RN on the doorstep of power”, is the title of Le Temps in Switzerland. As for the prestigious Wall Street Journal, it soberly titles “the extreme right wins the first round of the legislative elections”, a very factual choice.

Some commentators are sometimes more involved. As L’Express notes, the French writer Régis Jauffrey is harsh towards Jordan Bardella in the columns of Corriere della Sera:

“He has no higher education, he does not study files, he does not know the figures. For each question, he has found an answer that resembles a magic wand.”

On the side of Der Spiegel, we are crushing the President of the Republic and his controversial choice of dissolution. “Macron made this decision alone, he will have to take sole responsibility for it. But he seems to see the situation differently, as if he were currently living in a parallel universe,” judges the German periodical.

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