Here’s why plane ticket prices are likely to increase this summer

Here’s why plane ticket prices are likely to increase this summer
Here’s why plane ticket prices are likely to increase this summer

July is here and, believe us, we would like to have good news rich in sweetness and sunshine to bring you. But like the Parisian sky, gray and cloudythose are very gloomy news, which will directly attack your wallet, which we have for you. If you are planning to go on vacation by plane This summer, get ready because prices could well increase. In 2022, prices had already seen an astonishing outbreak with an increase of 21.7%. A year later, this percentage had decreased but was still significant: on average the prices from France were 8.6% higher, as revealed by civil aviation figures (DGAC). What will happen in 2024 ? The data is puzzling.

The lack of devices blamed

In addition to the price of baggage which is increasing, a major element could explain the risk of increase ticket prices: shortage of aircraft. On Ryanair’s side, 57 Boeings had been ordered, while only 40 devices were received, as explained TF1. Same situation at Airbus which plans to review its aircraft production downward. If the initial objective was to deliver 800 planes In 2024, only 770 will actually be, he specifies. CNN.

Direct impact on ticket prices

THE consequences of this lack of devices are observed at several levels. Who says fewer planes, said fewer flights and less well-served connections. This also means welcoming fewer passengers and therefore, inevitably, earn less money. To try to overcome this problem, airlines can call on specialized companies in aircraft rentals. However, such a rental cost on average €4,000 per hour last year. A rate that should increase to €5,000 per hour this year and could therefore be seen on the final price of the ticket.

The other solution is to continue using devices that are already “used”. Gold ” when we are forced to continue using old devices, we spend more fuel. So, this also increases the price of tickets », specifies Caroline Bruneau, economic journalist specializing in aeronautics, in a report TF1. Increase in tickets and



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