Police crew on patrol targeted by mortar fire

Police crew on patrol targeted by mortar fire
Police crew on patrol targeted by mortar fire

Four police officers were targeted by several individuals equipped with powerful fireworks while they were driving through the Font-Vert estate. One of the attackers, aged just 16, was arrested.

The Figaro Marseille

The sudden attack could have seriously degenerated. On the night of Saturday to Sunday, a police patrol from the Northern Division of Marseille on night patrol was suddenly targeted by several individuals armed with fireworks, it was learned Le Figaro from a police source.

According to this source, the four police officers were driving in an alley in the Font-Vert city, located in the northern districts of the city, when they noticed that several people were lighting mortars. The crew was then suddenly targeted, with one of the fireworks even hitting one of the doors of their vehicle.

Another teenager arrested for drug trafficking

Managing to flee the scene, the officers still returned to the scene in search of the shooters. The operation proved successful, since one of them was immediately recognized and arrested. Still according to a source, this young man is only 16 years old. The shocked police officers were not seriously injured. They nevertheless suffered from tinnitus caused by the explosion of the fireworks.

The Font-Vert estate, although closely monitored by law enforcement since the implementation of the “clean spot” operations promoted by the government, still seems to be the target of drug traffickers who have made it their dealing point. Last November, this condominium dating from the late 1960s and located in the 14the district of Marseille had been the target of a vast operation of arrests and checks aimed at ridding its residents of the dealers who had taken possession of the premises.

However, according to our information, a minor also aged 16 was arrested this Sunday evening in the city, suspected of drug trafficking. The young man, who was seen carrying out a transaction with a client, was forced to lead the police straight to his hideout. The latter contained 1.3 kilograms of cannabis and 25 grams of cocaine.



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