2024 legislative elections: hiccup, surprise winners… a look back at the evening of the first round in Vendée

2024 legislative elections: hiccup, surprise winners… a look back at the evening of the first round in Vendée
2024 legislative elections: hiccup, surprise winners… a look back at the evening of the first round in Vendée


Nicolas Pipelier

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 3:49 p.m.

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A real emotional rollercoaster. The first round of the legislative elections put the candidates’ nerves to the test. Particularly in the first two constituencies of La Roche-sur-Yon. Between the hiccups in the results, the withdrawals and the surprise winners, the evening of June 30 was marked by twists and turns.

A stranger in the lead

In the first constituency (Roche Nord), the surprise came from Simon-Pierre Paulin. An unknown in the local political world who took first place (32.71%), right under the nose of the outgoing MP Philippe Latombe (28.51%).

At 34, the Nantais, a member of the LR party and allied with the National Rally, made a remarkable entrance for his first steps in the race for votes. “I thank the Vendéens for the trust they have placed in me,” he reacted like a true pro. “The voters have chosen the union of the right in a favorable dynamic.”

To increase his lead between the two rounds, the osteopath intends to campaign “in every village and market”.

Simon-Pierre Paulin of the Republican-RN alliance won first place in the first constituency. ©Nicolas PIPELIER

“To block the RN”

But Philippe Latombe remains in ambush. After the withdrawal of Lucie Etonno and her call “to block the National Rally”, the votes of the Union of Lefts (23.33%) could be referred to the candidacy of the presidential majority.

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To win at the polls, the elected official intends to rely on experience. “Vendée has decided to promote the land. » And build on his achievements: “€103 million for hospitals, a gendarmerie in Bois-de-Céné…” While emphasizing the inexperience of his rival. “I still have not seen the slightest line of program from my opponent from the RN. »

Philippe Latombe, the outgoing MP, has qualified for the second round. ©Nicolas PIPELIER

8% workers’ struggle

On Sunday evening, the second constituency (Roche Sud) also had its share of surprises. While the National Rally candidate, Marie-Christine Ebran was expected to win, around 10 p.m., Maximilien Schnel, Béatrice Bellamy’s parliamentary attaché, began to balk at the results of Lutte Ouvrière.

The Trotskyist party candidate, Sophie Barillot, was credited with 8% of the votes. While her comrade in the north had just collected 1.16% of the votes. “An aberration” which pushed the prefecture to verify the figures sent by La Roche-sur-Yon (see insert).

After being ranked second, Béatrice Bellamy (Ensemble) finally won first place in the second constituency. ©Nicolas PIPELIER

Surprise winner

After correction, a new ranking appeared around 10:30 p.m., giving Béatrice Bellamy the winner, with 38.74% of the vote, ahead of Marie-Christine Ebran, 36.56%. Enough to stun the RN candidate: “I am dejected. I learned about it from you, the press, around 1 a.m. These are state services after all.”

For her part, the outgoing MP, a good winner, was more conciliatory: “These are difficult times for all civil servants, particularly because of the high turnout.”

Marie-Christine Ebran of the National Rally was finally ranked second after a recount of the votes in the second constituency. ©Nicolas PIPELIER

It hurts

Despite this setback, Marie-Christine Ebran, described as a “ghost candidate” by her opponent, remains “combative” and intends to steal the second constituency from “the one who voted every 49.3”: “Nothing is lost. I’m going to go find the Vendéens. Either they continue with those who have been in place since 2012, or they change and choose the alternative, purchasing power and security. »

It is not easy to dislodge Béatrice Bellamy, “anchored in the territory, unlike the RN candidate who was parachuted in”. Especially since the candidate of the New Popular Front, Nicolas Hélary, who came third (23.34%), withdrew to open a boulevard to the National Assembly for her.

Wrong results in La Roche-sur-Yon

Shock around 10:30 p.m. in the prefecture’s lounges when Béatrice Bellamy’s camp realized that the figures communicated by the City of La Roche-sur-Yon to the Vendée prefecture were false. The score achieved by the Lutte Ouvrière candidate was overestimated (8% instead of 1.38%). Enough to shake up the podium in the second constituency, with Béatrice Bellamy who finally took the lead ahead of Marie-Christine Ebran.
According to our information, the fault was committed at the central office of La Roche-sur-Yon, located in Cyel. An oral misunderstanding followed by an incorrect entry in the software dedicated to the elections is believed to be the cause of the error. Once the blunder was detected, the situation was rectified in less than an hour.

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