2023 review and 2024 ambitions: how the State Property Directorate is mapping out its revolution

2023 review and 2024 ambitions: how the State Property Directorate is mapping out its revolution
2023 review and 2024 ambitions: how the State Property Directorate is mapping out its revolution

In 2023, the State Domains Directorate (DDE) demonstrated effective and proactive management of the State’s private domain. As 2024 approaches, the institution is highlighting ambitious projects to modernize, digitalize and enhance its heritage. A closer look at the major actions of the past financial year and the DDE’s outlook for the current year…

A few days ago, the Directorate of State Lands (DDE) published its activity report for the year 2023, highlighting significant achievements and notable progress in the management of the private domain of the Moroccan State. Indeed, the 2023 financial year was very studious for the DDE, which was able to effectively mobilize land resources, strengthen its information systems and support strategic projects crucial for the development of the country.

Land mobilization
In 2023, the DDE report reflects the remarkable efficiency of this body, which was able to mobilize 13,438 hectares for 466 projects, representing a total investment of 37.8 billion dirhams (MMDH). These projects should generate around 20,500 jobs, it is indicated. In the same vein, the agricultural partnership has also been fruitful, with 3,841 hectares leased for 179 agricultural projects. These initiatives represent a projected investment of 685 million dirhams (MDH) and aim to strengthen the agricultural sector.

Legal and administrative performance
The DDE was involved in 883 judgments in 2023, with a success rate of 71% in favor of the State. These judgments mainly concerned cases of registration and remediation of occupations of state-owned buildings. In terms of recovery, state products and income reached MAD 27.6 billion, marking an increase of 2% compared to 2022.

Towards management land 2.0
At the same time, on projects related to the digitalization and modernization of processes, the DDE has made significant progress in the digitalization of its systems, particularly with the AMLACS and SIGDOM systems. These tools were strengthened in 2023, materializing a crucial step towards a more efficient and transparent administration.

Valuation heritage
During the same period, the DDE indicates having registered 838,742 hectares, increasing the land reserve by 11% compared to 2022. In addition, 385,923 hectares were the subject of registration requisitions. Acquisitions and sales of properties were also significant, with 331 acquisition files processed for a total value of 1.3 billion dirhams and 306 units sold by Dyar Al Madina for a value of 2.9 million dirhams.

Another area in which the State Domains Directorate demonstrates a strong commitment to the implementation of development policies: partnerships. Indeed, the DDE played a key role in several strategic projects, such as the Mohammed VI Tangier Tech City and the development of the Oued Martil Valley in Tetouan. It also contributed to the rehousing program for 21,300 households from the Skhirate-Temara slums, the report recalls.

For 2024, the DDE aspires to continue this momentum, with objectives of modernization, digitalization, and adoption of the new state code. These initiatives aim to further improve land management, secure the State’s private assets, and strengthen the legal framework for management procedures. Among other priorities, the DDE places the continued strengthening of the AMLACS and SIGDOM information systems as a central axis of its actions during the current year. And this, through the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence and data analysis, the complete dematerialization of processes and the strengthening of the interconnection between the different information systems used by the DDE and its partners. institutional.

Furthermore, it is also expected that 2024 will see the adoption and implementation of the new state code. This legislative text, currently being developed, aims to modernize and clarify the legal framework for the management of the private domain of the State. That’s not all, because this body reporting to the Ministry of the Economy and Finance wishes to promote active and dynamic management of State heritage, which involves continuous valorization of state property through the valorization of real estate assets, the acceleration of the program for the sale of state housing to occupants as well as the pursuit of strategic acquisitions of land and buildings with high added value, in support of national development projects and the needs of key sectors such as education and health.

It should be noted that in line with the objectives, the DDE has planned to introduce performance contracts for its regional departments and central divisions, to deploy a continuing training program for staff and to improve budget management with multi-year planning, ensuring optimal use of the financial resources allocated to the DDE.

Sami Nemli / ECO Inspirations



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