Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Lunel (34400) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Lunel (34400) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Lunel (34400) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – In Lunel, what will the voters of the former Nupes decide?

Will Nupes, which has already broken up despite its performance in the last legislative elections, see its results turn towards the Popular Front during these new elections? During the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann reached 10.75% in Lunel. However, in the locality, it will also be necessary to take into account the 16% of Manon Aubry (La France insoumise), the 3.41% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 2.03% of Léon Deffontaine (PC). That is to say a sum of around 31% on site. During the first round of deputy elections, in 2022 in Lunel, the Nupes pair also gathered 26.32% of the votes in the municipality. How many will vote for the New Popular Front, representing rebels, socialists, communists, environmentalists and others, and in a close fight with the majority in the polls?

18:42 – Advantage National gathering in Lunel before the 2024 legislative elections

So what can we learn from this heterogeneous set of scores? If we stick to the progression of the National Rally which emerges from the last national elections, i.e. almost 8 points more for the Bardella list in 2024 than in 2019, the result of the RN could be close to by 40% in Lunel. A projection which seems logical given the voters also grabbed by the Lepenists in the locality in recent years: a jump of 4 points which can always increase.

3:31 p.m. – The RN at 39.56% in Lunel at the start of the month

The results of this June 30 could instead be closer to the verdict established on June 9, when the European deputies were chosen. It is in fact the National Rally list led by Jordan Bardella which won the European Parliament elections three weeks ago in Lunel, with 39.56% of the votes cast (3410 votes) ahead of the list led by Manon Aubry with 16%, and the list of Raphaël Glucksmann with 10.75%.

14:32 – Marine Le Pen above Macron and Mélenchon in Lunel during the presidential election

The choice of the head of state is certainly the main key to gauging a local political preference. It should be noted that the National Rally had obtained more votes in the first round of the legislative elections in the municipality than Marine Le Pen herself had during the election of the head of state. The latter had gathered 29.5% in the first round on site. She had then surpassed Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron, comforted by 27.15% and 19.87% respectively. Marine Le Pen had even finished ahead of Emmanuel Macron in the second round (with 51.26% against 48.74%).

12:32 – New advance for the RN in Lunel?

The score in favor of the RN will be closely watched for these Assembly elections, locally. Two years ago for the legislative elections, the National Rally managed to do well in Lunel. It was in fact Frédéric Bort who placed himself in pole position in the first round with 32.69% in the commune, which voted for the 9th constituency of Hérault. Nadia Belaouni (Nupes) subsequently won in the second round, on the other hand, with 50.44%.

11:02 – Lunel: demography and socio-economics impact the legislative elections

In the commune of Lunel, does the population have an influence on the result of the legislative elections? With a population density of 1053 inhabitants/km² and 42.26% active population, can we expect strong electoral engagement? The percentage of unemployed at 18.73% could have an effect on residents’ expectations regarding work measures. The rate of households owning at least one car (78.71%) shows the importance of questions of mobility and road development in the questions of the 7,494 voters. In addition, the presence of an immigrant population of 15.25% and a foreign population of 11.79% highlights issues of intercultural cohabitation. Data on education in Lunel highlights notable disparities in terms of education levels, with 16.95% of residents having obtained only the baccalaureate for example. These statistics, associated with data on income, invite a more detailed analysis of the factors influencing the educational and professional paths of individuals.

09:32 – What will be the participation in the legislative elections in Lunel (34400)?

Over the past few years, the 26,470 inhabitants of this city have revealed their voting habits. Three weeks ago, during the previous European elections, 18,391 people able to vote in Lunel took part in the vote (i.e. 48.09%). The participation rate was 46.63% for the 2019 European elections. As a reminder, in the city, the participation rate in the 2022 legislative elections was 41.18% in the first round and only 39.72% in the second round. . Across France, participation was already analyzed two years ago. It represented 18% at 12 p.m. and only 39% at 5 p.m. for the first round, less than in 2017.

08:02 – Until what time can you vote in Lunel?

New legislative elections in Lunel will be held today following the announcement by the President of the Republic that the electoral calendar had been disrupted. The last dissolution, in 1997, initiated by Jacques Chirac, resulted in cohabitation with Lionel Jospin. What consequences will these legislative elections have? Among the forces present in the 9th constituency of Hérault, who will succeed in convincing the greatest number of inhabitants of the city? The 16 polling stations in the city of Lunel (from Hotel de Ville to Ecole Camille Claudel) are open until 6 p.m. to receive residents. To view the results in Lunel, go to this page at 8 p.m.



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