A fun hockey program will be offered in the fall in Thetford Mines

A fun hockey program will be offered in the fall in Thetford Mines
A fun hockey program will be offered in the fall in Thetford Mines

Starting this fall, young people between the ages of 6 and 12 will have the opportunity to register for a new fun hockey program. This is a project aimed at developing basic skills, but in a recreational and non-competitive context.

“Fun hockey is being set up to complement and enrich the activities already offered by the Appalaches Minor Hockey Association because it will allow young people to discover this sport in a fun environment. It also meets the needs of some parents who do not want to travel throughout the region to allow their children to play hockey since the activities will be concentrated in the same place, only once a week,” said Marie-Pier Lacasse, Director of the Recreation and Culture Department for the City of Thetford Mines.

For young people who want to start their journey, fun hockey is ideal. It offers a learning and skill development program, but without travel and at a truly affordable cost. Then, if they wish, young people can continue their experience towards minor hockey.

The fun hockey sessions will be held on a regular schedule once a week for one hour where exercises and intra-team friendly games will be offered. Three groups will be formed according to the age of the participants, namely 6-7 year olds (2017-2018), 8-9 year olds (2015-2016) and 10-12 year olds (2012-2014).

Full equipment is mandatory for everyone and places will be reserved for children who do not play minor hockey or school hockey. Online registrations will open on August 6, but information relating to the program will be available from August 2 on villethetford.ca/sports and cultural activities – registrations.

Note also that the City is looking for parent volunteers to help during practices. Interested people are invited to contact the Recreation and Culture Department at 418 335-2981, ext. 244, or [email protected].



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