Resumption this Monday of the Mazan rape trial with the attorneys general. The trial has obviously been followed closely from the start. MP Sandrine Josso attended the hearing several times. She is very invested against chemical submission.
Resumption this Monday of the Mazan rape trial with the attorneys general. They will make the indictments, in other words, they will ask for the sentences they wish to see applied to the 51 accused. The trial has been followed closely since the beginning, two and a half months now, by many people. The courtrooms are packed, and among those present, in particular, MP Sandrine Jossoshe attended the hearing several times.
She is very invested against chemical submission. And for good reason, she accuses a senator, Joël Guérineau, in this case, of having drugged her without her knowledge. This is the testimony of the day at the microphone of France Bleu Vaucluse.
“I am Sandrine Josso, MP for Loire-Atlantique and also on mission for the government on this form of sexual violence that is chemical submission. This trial is really the chemical submission trial In France.”
“It won't have to stop there. Afterwards, with Senator Véronique Guillotin with whom I am leading this mission, we will make proposals and also certainly propose a law when we have identified everything that is missing today to ensure that all these predators are condemned in an exemplary manner.”
What could be done differently, done better?
I think it's mostly the knowledge of chemical submission. For example, when I took the stand, there was an expert toxicologist who was questioned and sometimes handled very poorly. You see, in fact, there is also a lot of ignorance about the functioning of these experts who do a wonderful job. And I also work to ensure that all these victims can have access to evidence because it is the trial today which also reveals all that. Gisèle Pelicot, she has proof.
But see for example Caroline Darian, his daughter, apart from the photos, she has no other proof. And that’s terrible. And it's also terrible for the victims to lack this evidence. We work with the association set up by Caroline Darian called “don't fall asleep” for support in the form of a kit that could be found for example in all pharmacies in France, so that we can support victims in their care journey.
And also, I tabled in the National Assembly, as part of the finance and social security bill, an amendment which aims to ensure that we can take into account all the tests, that the victim wishes to file a complaint or not, because today, the victim must file a complaint in order for them to be able to receive support. These blood tests, these urine tests to prove chemical submission. And that is more tenable today, because it's the hell of doubt for many victims.
So all that really needs to change. Obviously, it is a trial that will move things forward because behind it, politically, there is this senator and I who are going to carry out our mission and we will also propose, with our other colleagues, certainly, modifications. SO, by creating a lawby proposing a law to fill all the shortcomings and everything that will need to change.