Spotlight on the young people who set up Nevers Plage

Spotlight on the young people who set up Nevers Plage
Spotlight on the young people who set up Nevers Plage

Since Monday, July 1st, the new season of Nevers Plage, on the banks of the Loire, with its breathtaking view of the cathedral, is open. Spotlight on those who have prepared everything for several days.

If we will be able to relax on the banks of the Loire and enjoy all the activities of Nevers Plage, it is partly thanks to them. Since Monday June 10, Alix, Brayan, Clémence, Coline, Dorian, Matthys, Rémi and Thomas met on the banks of the Loire at six in the morning to help municipal employees install Nevers Plage.

On the program: installation of the terraces, cleaning of the reception structures, cleaning of the beach and decorations of the site. The eight young people worked hard under the watchful eye of Christine Amiot and Cyril Carreau.

Many of them are here to finance their studies or their vacations. This is the case for Coline, 20, and Dorian, 19, who will respectively enter their third year of a psychology degree and their third year of STAPS.

premium Nevers Plage settles on the banks of the Loire for two months

If the vast majority of these young people come from Nevers or their surrounding areas (like Urzy or Vaux d’Amognes); Rémi, a master 2 law student in Clermont-Ferrand, arrives from Bouches-du-Rhône, near Marseille. It was his partner, originally from Nevers, who invited him to join her for the summer.

It was with a smile that these young people completed the installation of the Nevers Plage site. “I didn’t see myself working alone,” confides Coline. “We’ll definitely stay in touch,” adds Rémi. A popular summer job where the young people learned a lot: “We learned to use tools and do things that we’re not used to doing on a daily basis,” says Dorian. “Working on the banks of the Loire is very pleasant,” adds Coline. “And then there’s the satisfaction of seeing the beach appear before our eyes,” concludes Rémi.

In total, between the installation and operation of Nevers Plage between June and August, no less than 32 young people obtained a position for the summer months.



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