Vincent Durand joins the staff of UA Saint-Florent

Vincent Durand joins the staff of UA Saint-Florent
Vincent Durand joins the staff of UA Saint-Florent

The club coached by David Moreaux does not remain inactive during this offseason. In order to structure and improve his staff, the coach has just brought in Vincent Durand. He will act as technical and tactical advisor, and video manager.

One thing is certain, the new arrival will not be disoriented by joining a club he knows well. Because it was at UA Saint-Florent that Vincent Durand started playing football, before being recruited by Chamois Niortais where he joined the U15 category. And it was already David Moreaux who at the time, an educator at Chamois, was the instigator of this arrival.

The two men, who would later become friends, had some great adventures together. Notably a title of vice world champion obtained in 2001 in Cagliari, with the Lycée de la Venise Verte section. A generation 84-85 where a certain Romain Vincelot also played, currently physical trainer of the Saint-Florentais club.

Missions on defensive tactics

Inactive since his professional football retirement in 2017, then freelancing at Saint-Liguaire, the boy therefore took the plunge again. By the fact that his schedule is now lighter, but above all by desire. “David contacted me three years ago to join his staff. And if until now, I have not been able to respond favorably, it is now possible. I will intervene occasionally on the defensive tactical aspect, which I will enrich with video sessions, because I will have access to the videos of the matches. I will help the players to progress individually and collectively in this area”

At forty years old, the man is still sharp, as we could see at the event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Beauvoir club. From there to seeing him also sign a player’s license, if only to help out, there is only one step. That we will not take… for now.

Who better than David Moreaux knows the boy’s footballing and human qualities? I am obviously happy that Vincent is joining us, smiled the coach. We have known each other for a long time and became friends and always stayed in touch. I have been asking him for three years, but his schedule was not compatible then. He will bring us a lot in an area that really interests him. » Friendship, loyalty and competence are united within the new Saint-Florentais staff. Enough to start the new season with ambition.



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