Scientific research: CSEFRS and CNRST strengthen their cooperation

Scientific research: CSEFRS and CNRST strengthen their cooperation
Scientific research: CSEFRS and CNRST strengthen their cooperation

Monday, July 1, 2024 at 12:36 PM

Rabat – A framework agreement was signed on Friday between the Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research (CSEFRS) and the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST), with the aim of strengthening cooperation in areas of common interest.

Initialed by the president of the CSEFRS, Habib El Malki, and the director of the CNRST, Jamila El Alami, this agreement comes in application of the High Royal Guidelines underlining the need to support the Council as a consultative institution for the reform of the system of education and training, in coordination with the ministerial departments and establishments concerned, indicates a CSEFRS press release.

According to the same source, the framework agreement works to exchange data and develop scientific and technical studies, in addition to the joint organization of activities related to research in this area, including the establishment of joint working groups, seminars and study days.

It also involves the exchange of publications representing an interest for the two institutions, in addition to the sharing of expertise and experiences and the promotion of cooperation between the staff of the two establishments.



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