for the second round, live up to the values ​​of the Republic

for the second round, live up to the values ​​of the Republic
for the second round, live up to the values ​​of the Republic

The “time for clarification essential” requested by the Head of State to the French, on the evening of his defeat in the European elections, has backfired. The poker move of dissolving the National Assembly has only amplified the rise in votes for the far right, instead of containing it. The score of the party led by Jordan Bardella on the evening of this first round is historic – with nearly 12 million votes, 15 points more than in 2022 – and places it, if not on the doorstep of power, at least in a clear position of strength.

Results of the 2024 legislative elections: the RN in the lead ahead of the left, Ensemble resists… Relive the election evening

This result perhaps does not yet signal the end of macronism, this attempt begun in 2017 to impose a center bringing together political leaders from the right and the left. The presidential coalition is holding up better than expected and, after ignoring them for two years, it immediately reached out to the Republicans. But this first round signals the personal failure of the head of state who, if he is not the only one responsible for the decomposition of the political landscape, has pitifully failed to block the growth of the National Rally. The match that he himself had established between “progressives” and “nationals” did not turn out in favor of the former.

Legislative elections 2024: the National Rally confirms its place as the leading political force

This situation places his camp in the situation it feared the most: calling to block an extreme right capable, on its own, of conquering power, by removing the candidates who came in third place; or procrastinate in the face of a New Popular Front within which La France insoumise, even diluted in a large coalition, appears as a scarecrow. A new campaign opens for the second round. From this disorder a majority can still emerge that lives up to the values ​​of the Republic.

Find, as soon as they are officially published, the results of the 1st round of the 2024 legislative elections, municipality by municipality.



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