New formula for the Agen Festival

New formula for the Agen Festival
New formula for the Agen Festival

the essential
The festivities will be concentrated over one day with numerous activities and two concerts.

The principle remains the same, but the process is changing slightly: for their third edition, the Fêtes d’Agen are proposing, in 2024, to meet in a different way by concentrating the festival over an entire day. The meeting, however, remains the same: the last weekend of August, in the city center of the Pearl of the South.

So, on Saturday August 31, hostilities will be launched from noon with street shows, free concerts by local groups, the traditional Boulevard des Pitchouns (entertainment for children), the sports area at Gravier and bodegas for eating and drinking in several places in the city center.

At nightfall, the heart of the party will move to Place Esquirol for two exceptional concerts.

The first will be provided by Olivia Ruiz (9 p.m.), discovered on the stage of the first edition of Star Academy in 2001. Without being a winner, she quickly became a key artist on the French music scene, recognizable by her unique style combining a powerful voice with a sparkling personality.

Today, Olivia Ruiz has sold more than 2 million albums, won several Victoires de la Musique awards and released her sixth opus, “La Réplique”, a few months ago, committed and dynamic, mixing French and Spanish.

At 10:45 p.m., it will be Pascal Obispo’s turn to take the stage: after more than thirty years of career, the author, composer and performer continues to mark the French musical landscape with his presence and his undeniable talent. Currently on tour, he will present on stage tracks from his latest studio album, “Le Beau qui pleut”, but will also play some of his greatest hits. The festive marathon will then end in the bars until 2 a.m.

Please note that the activities in the city center are all free, although access to the concert evening requires a fee.


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