Anti-RN demonstration. The far left is carrying out damage in the center of Lyon –

Anti-RN demonstration. The far left is carrying out damage in the center of Lyon –
Anti-RN demonstration. The far left is carrying out damage in the center of Lyon –

As a dress rehearsal before the second round of the legislative elections, several hundred far-left activists confronted the police on Sunday evening in Lyon – Photos Louis E and Matthias A for Lyon People

Texts: Matthias Angel – As announced on our channel, antifas and the far left organized a wild demonstration in the streets of Lyon, Sunday evening, to protest against the results of the National Rally, which came out on top, at the end of the first round of the early legislative elections. Our reporters at the heart of the gloom.

Responding to the call from Lyon Antifa and Lyon Insurrection, the activists took time to gather at Place des Terreaux, the meeting place for all the families of the ultra-left: Trotskyists, anarchists, dog punks… demonstration was to begin around 8 p.m., when the results of the national elections were revealed. At 9 p.m., there were around 500 under the windows of City Hall.

> Read also: The Presqu’île barricades itself against far-left rioters

Around 9:30 p.m., a thousand activists formed a procession that entered Rue du Président Édouard Herriot. In this street, there were very quickly the first excesses and acts of gratuitous vandalism, with the rioters destroying street furniture and ATMs.

Breakage of the LCL distributor on rue Édouard Herriot in Lyon 2nd

The facade of the Saint Nizier church, listed as a historic monument, was damaged by graffiti. Other acts of vandalism took place in this street, such as the destruction of a bus stop (we naively thought they were for public transport…), but the reactivity of the police prevented looting. luxury stores barricaded for most of them.

They can’t stand collecting glass for cancer, but you’ll notice that they haven’t touched their green allies’ compost bin -


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