Petition, free appeal, legal action… For these residents, “the fight continues” against a road project which is causing controversy in a village in the heights of Nice

Petition, free appeal, legal action… For these residents, “the fight continues” against a road project which is causing controversy in a village in the heights of Nice
Petition, free appeal, legal action… For these residents, “the fight continues” against a road project which is causing controversy in a village in the heights of Nice

This time, around forty people were able to consider the effects of this route on the La Croix-de-fer district. During this meeting, organized by the president of the Association for the Defense of the Saint-Blaise Valley, Michel Chevallier, the participants showed their determination to oppose what “would change radically” the daily life of residents whether they are at the start of the road on the Saoga side, or at its arrival on the Croix-de-fer side with access to the M14 “complicated”while the impact study for an estimate of 500 vehicles per day, according to the studies of the public inquiry.

A petition, an appeal

A resident of the La Croix-de-fer district, Manuel Gonzalez, launched a petition which collected 170 signatures against the project in one week. “I can’t imagine the extra vehicles expected to pass each other without problems at peak times on the M14.he denounces. This is the journey necessary to access the future road and the exit on this M14 via the La Croix-de-fer district will be a feat.”.

Others note the “Fire hazards caused by cigarette butts” on this future 6-meter wide axis, in a forest that Michel Chevallier considers to have a “remarkable biotope”.

“The fight continues, we have filed an appeal, and our action provides for legal action”announced the president of the association.

The Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis has given the green light to this project awaited for 30 years by the municipality to directly connect this new hamlet which has nearly 130 families and which has caused the population of Saint-Blaise to explode. (Nice-Matin of May 10).



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