Kéolis Méditerranée employees continue their strike action and threaten to go back to school

Kéolis Méditerranée employees continue their strike action and threaten to go back to school
Kéolis Méditerranée employees continue their strike action and threaten to go back to school

Second week of “very well-supported” strike at Keolis Méditerranée, according to the Unsa union. Which does not rule out resuming the movement at the start of the school year if the demands are not taken into account.

Kéolis Méditerranée employees began a new week of mobilization on Monday, July 1. This has resulted in disruptions across the entire network for the 7 a.m. – 7:55 a.m. time slot.

Le syndicat Unsa observe “a very strong turnout with around 75% of drivers and workshop staff on strike across all three sites (Agde, Sète and Frontignan) including 94% in Agde”. “Proposals to increase the hourly rate below inflation are not going throughexplains union representative Cédric Goyer. At the heart of the problem, better coverage of the mandatory company mutual insurance by Kéolis is also expected. We note that other subsidiaries of Kéolis have increased the employer share of their mutual insurance and half of our driving staff earn less than €1,000 per month. We are talking about a boost of €30/month, for a company that has just made a profit of €175,000. This does not seem unrealizable.”

Strike threats for early September

The UNSA does not hesitate to reiterate its threats for the start of the school year. “We hope that after 10 days of protest, management will finally listen to us, but if that is not enough, we will not hesitate to start again on September 2, toughening up the strike if necessary.”



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