Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Bouscat (33110) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Bouscat (33110) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Bouscat (33110) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:52 – Progress for the left since the last legislative elections in Bouscat

While the New Popular and Social Union had accumulated voters during the previous legislative elections, but has now exploded in flight, it is the New Popular Front which is advancing for these elections. Which leaves doubt about the left-wing vote this Sunday. At the end of the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann’s list obtained 19.18% in Bouscat. But the left could do more this June 30, since the revamped coalition can virtually stand at 33% this time, adding up the scores of Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and Léon Deffontaine (PCF). During the first round of the Assembly elections in 2022, in Bouscat, the Nupes pair also gathered 21.81% of the votes in the commune. A push to finally be completed with the 25% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election (17.74% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 6.61% for Yannick Jadot, 1.85% for Fabien Roussel and 1.87% for Anne Hidalgo).

18:42 – In five years, the National Rally has gained 5 points in Bouscat

It is difficult to predict what will happen after all these scores. But some clues stand out… By quickly analyzing the progress of the National Rally seen from the last elections at the national level, i.e. eight points more for the Bardella list in 2024 than in 2019, the result of the National Rally could rise to around 18% in Bouscat. A verdict that agrees with the voters also won over by the political party in the area since 2019 until this month of June 2024: an increase of 5 points that can still rise.

15:31 – Le Bouscat not really in phase with France during the European elections of June 9

It’s impossible not to look at the vote which took place a few days ago. Even if the earthquake did not hit all the municipalities. Given the victory by the polls, Jordan Bardella found himself far from his national score in the European elections in the commune. The head of the list RN ranked third, with 18.47%, behind Valérie Hayer with 21.77% and Raphaël Glucksmann with 19.18%.

2:32 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron advantage in Bouscat in the first round of the presidential election

The Bouscat voters had opted for Marine Le Pen with 12.5% ​​in the first round of the presidential election. Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon had outclassed the leader of the RN this time with 39.05% and 17.74% of the votes respectively. The second round will not be victorious for the leader of the RN either, Emmanuel Macron finishing with 74.86% against 25.14% for Le Pen.

12:32 – Favorable legislative elections for the presidential bloc in 2022

During the legislative elections two years ago, the National Rally failed in the first round in the commune of Bouscat, scraping together 10.46% of the votes there, against 40.62% for Thomas Cazenave (Ensemble! – Presidential Majority). In the commune of Bouscat, it was finally an Ensemble! – Presidential Majority majority that was preferred in the second round, confirming the defeat of the National Rally.

11:02 – Le Bouscat: when demographic data shapes the ballot boxes

The demographic composition and socio-economic situation of Bouscat help shape voters’ interests and concerns, and thus their impact on legislative elections. Youth and the unemployed are key demographic groups in the city, with nearly 32% of the population under 30, and an unemployment rate of 9.91%. The high percentage of executives and higher intellectual professions, reaching 29.36%, reveals a population concerned about the economic competitiveness of their region. The number of CAF beneficiaries (19.60%) highlights the need for family support, and the percentage of employees on fixed-term contracts (7.62%) highlights issues of job stability. Education data, such as the percentage of university degree holders (44.15%), demonstrates an educated population in Bouscat, likely to foster a climate conducive to entrepreneurship.

09:32 – The legislative elections begin in Bouscat: participation in question

In order to better understand the vote of the citizens of this municipality, we must observe the results of the latest political consultations. A few weeks ago, during the previous European elections, out of the 18,519 registered on the electoral lists in Bouscat, 39.78% had deserted the polls. Abstention was 45.71% for the 2019 election. As a reminder, in the municipality, the percentage of abstention in the 2022 legislative elections reached 47.03% in the first round and only 49.41% in the second round. Can we predict abstention for the legislative elections in Bouscat? For the first round of the last presidential election, 21.25% of people of voting age in the municipality refused to go to the polls. Abstention was 24.75% in the second round.

08:02 – Stay informed about the legislative elections in Bouscat

During the legislative elections, the 577 deputies of the Legislative Assembly will be elected by single-member majority vote. More specifically, on June 30, 2024, French citizens will have to decide between the different candidates running in their legislative constituency. In 2022, the election resulted in a divided parliament, without an absolute majority. This election is a new opportunity for the candidates of the New Popular Front (LFI, PS, Ecologists, PC, etc.) to stand out among the citizens of the commune. In order to do their electoral duty, the voters of the commune will be able to go to the voting booth between 8am and 7pmopening hours of the 18 polling stations in Bouscat. To view the results in Bouscat, go here from 8 p.m.



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